Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • Say That Again?

    Uneventful is a merciful condition and that in itself is a large blessing. Why do children require no lessons on being naughty but many on how to be good? What is the meaning of ice cream and why does it warm the heart? Why are the hardest lessons learned tied directly to the heart? Some…

  • Words

    “Tis folly”  he said. “to write a word, for all words mean all things to all men, and some words mean no thing to some men, even when they mean everything to me. I have weighed each carefully in my heart, using my feelings as a scale. I labeled things only when I became a…

  • Hidden Lessons

    From a journal entry September 25, 2000. . . . .”I meant to come down and write this story last week when it happened but again I did not.   Whether I am becoming lazy or whether just tired,  I don’t know.   But when I was unloading the car of groceries in front of…

  • Felicia

    One of the responders to my latest post on ‘Differing Perspectives’ is an established young writer with a contract with a publishing house for a book of poetry whose name is Ruth Hill.   She sent the poem,  ‘Felicia’ and gave permission for me to print it since she said we are both Felicias.  There are…

  • Differing Perspectives

    Years ago I found the word pewambic on a note on my bedside table.   I called a friend and asked her if she was familiar with the word.   She thought it had something to do with pottery.   I told her that in a dream snippet,  I was on my haunches and doing something in front…

  • The Children’s Primer

    When I change my life things will be better for I will be smarter. I will have learned to be nice to myself and tell me how good I am and then I can tell you how good you are. And together we will make the world better. When I change my life and I…

  • Evolution II: To Run Like The Wind

    The new man emerges casting his light which only intensifies the old man’s sterility. No more can dogmas that gave unsubstantial testimony to the old man prevail. No more need the old man’s impotence be the young man’s burden. The threatening shadows have dissipated, revealing the old man’s vulnerability. Out of the sunlight emerges the…

  • Morning Sun Dance

    It sometimes is very hard to convince someone that what you see is really so.  What I have seen are icicles on the pines.     We are in Florida so this was  difficult for those close to me to believe .   This morning I ran for my cell phone which I do not clearly understand…

  • The Nymph And The Divine Self

    The nymph within took the hand of my divine self and lifted me high in the pines. Straight toward the place my heart does rest. So high, she said, so high and out too far. Did you see them I asked and I took hold of my divine image and plowed the clouds. I wait…

  • Do You Hear?

    Do I have more minutes to finish?   There was no time for answers because the little one with a dash was out of sight.   In a few minutes he was back and announced,  I finish.   Having learned to wait while private things were finished,  I waited again while he proceeded to his room. I followed…