Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • My Love Of Barns

    When I was a young girl we moved to The Farm.   It was the most beautiful place my eyes had yet seen.   The red barn sat on a hill opposite the white house also sitting on an incline.   And outside any window were horizons as far as my eyes could see.   But the red barn…

  • Sacred Permit

    I am posting this wall quilt with the hope that it will be purchased for someone who is expecting a child.  It has always been mine to know that we come with a sacred permit that says we are chosen as our parents are also chosen.   I know this is not a commonly held concept, …

  • The Whole World Is Looking For A Mother

    In the `90’s,  when my world was struggling to find its place after the death of our middle son a few years earlier, the bigger world outside of me seemed only to reflect what I was working on.   And in the midst of my struggles, I wrote The Whole World Is Looking For A Mother. …

  • Eyes That See

    I see a difference in the eyes of people whose vision is long and far away. These are people whose eyes do not stop at the curb but travel distances to a horizon higher than buildings and junks of every order and even lifting beyond the trees and the mountains. The difference in these eyes…

  • A Wonderful Experience

    Yesterday,  the day of the opening exhibit and reception was fun and enlightening.  Fun because meeting people is just that but enlightening because of the questions asked of me.   Comments such as ‘there are no two alike’ and also ‘how do you do it?’ and then ‘where did you train?’  And for me,  given to…

  • The Gallery. . larger view

    This is a larger view of The Gallery at Oak Park Arms in Oak Park, IL.    There are 22 wall quilts on view and for purchase.   Don’t forget my books,  Kiss The Moon,  The Woman Speaks and Gives Grace,  and also The Last Bird Sings will also be for purchase.    I am looking forward to…

  • Upcoming Exhibit

      This is a partial glimpse of the gallery at the Oak Park Arms in Oak Park,  IL.  The reception will be held on Sunday the 10th of February from 2-5 p.m.   We look forward to seeing the followers of   The quilts and books,  Kiss The Moon and The Last Bird Sings can be…

  • Midnight Blue

        When we first received this card I knew I wanted to do my fabric version of it.   At the moment it is my favorite.   It will be on display for the February 10th exhibit at the Oak Park Arms.  There will also be a reception.   I hope those in the area will allow…

  • Conundrums

    A miserable constitution should send one to class rather than to the doctor. The true child of the universe walks in confidence.  It is the child held captive in the adult body who flounders helplessly. There is no profit in knowing anything if it is not also a given. Urchin is the adult in process.…

  • Refuge In Dreams

      In the beginning when I was young and when I was very cold, I took my mammoth skin and drew it closer about me and found refuge in dreams. Like a tourniquet it stopped the flow of life out of me. Now I am old and I huddle still deeper in my woolen wrap.…