Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • Memory Quilt. . . in triumph warmed. . . .

      Many of us have problems that have no resolution.   Even after doing all the things we have learned and read about and even those things we have invented, there appear no answers on the horizon.   We lose hope and we ourselves are at a loss.  It seems strange and baffling that nothing is working.  …

  • To Be. . .sometimes is the ALL required. . . .

      I am calling to touch base with you.  It has been too long since we chatted I said.  And after a surprised response she started and went on at great length finding her own equilibrium.  I could do nothing for her except be an ear to listen.  She called me the next day with…

  • Unconditional Love. . you are so worth it. . .

      Unconditional Love?. . You are so worth it. . . In the face of all opposition, and with many noting your lack of courage, you plod along still with what needs doing, whatever that happens to be.  Your knowledge of commitments and placement tie you to immobility and you wonder the outcome on a…

  • Time’s Solace. . . Appreciated. . .

    When life generously offers some time to enjoy the last vestiges of breathable air, one guards those hours or days like Midas with his eyes on gold.  It is a gift to one whose head was incompletely closed and whose conscience unequivocally honed to needs of commitments. So the free time, the private time,  the…

  • Our Lives. . . .prayerful justification?. . .

      I was prepared to work today on a topic long simmering but from my eldest came this photo along with others of beloved family that swerved me to play.  Which means I go to the sewing machine to finish several things patiently waiting. I am not going to sit and view happenings on the…

  • Truth is Costly. . . when pulled through the heart.

    After watching Rachel Maddow last night with her interview with Mary Trump,  I would like them to know of my gratitude and the gratitude and envy of all who watched MSNBC;  viewers like me and their professional colleagues.  I think Rachel is an excellent teacher and should she teach in some classroom in another world…

  • The Simple Often Says It Right. . . .

        The Jenny Genes are rightly sometimes a curse as well as blessing.  It drives this writer to despair when the right word evades and the curse begins its perseverance work on me.  And search I do for the precise word.  For there is of course we think a precise word for everything.  We…

  • Connections I know. . .

    And you will know also. . .  Nine years ago, when I was 80, a grandson said I should do a blog.  Not knowing what a blog was, he proceeded to teach me.   This perennial student did not want to disappoint the good teacher.   Edited here is one of the early posts where I try…

  • And This Is What He ‘Membered. . .’cause It Is True. . . .

      And I heard the young one say,  and I know this true, he said,  that this lady likes to work with blue cloths is ‘cause he said,  that she said this is what heaven is like.   And I want to know he said,   how does she know?   And I told him that some people just…

  • We Build On Words. . . .

     I have not been much of a television watcher but in retrospect I realize more people than not were.  Not only watchers but some inadvertently imitators.  Young girls mimicked teen agers with inflections and tones and even lilting questions at the end of sentences.  Not knowing nuances but inflections their phrasings created. Immature emotions in…