When GIVEN Thoughts Require Attention. . . .
The children will know the highest and best framework you have chosen is one by which your own heart was healed. ***** We say take love and use it and it will heal the rift which threatens to become a chasm man will never be able to cross by himself. Would you be able to…
We Will Talk Again. . . .
We Will Talk Again . . . We will talk of philosophy and we will talk of poetry again like . . . .once upon a yesterday. . . . . We will talk of people and beings whose lives are woven tapestries of great wonder. . . . And we will again grace the…
Each One Teach One. . . .
Today I post with a practical idea that helps me enormously. Two of my favorite bloggers, Jon Katz on Bedlam Farm and Maria Wulf on Fullmoonfiberart.com inspired the following idea. Jon posted that Maria put up shelves to enable him to glance and see clean clothes on hand. My head rang bells and I asked…
Help Balance Our World. . . .
Where is this place called home? The elders often sit with a distant look and one hears them say I need to go home. Most lives have given no exact place to these words, but all of us have heard them said since we were children. I brought this place with me when I arrived…
Not Better, Not Lesser, but Diverse. . . .
It was 2 ½ years ago that I posted what a stumbling block I had and did not know I carried. When something was so obvious to me, all evidence pointed, words written, pictures and all, yet sitting across the table was one shaking his head no. I was reading into the subject. It did…
It Is What It Is . . .
It All Connects. . . . This is kind of a sidebar explanation that I connected in my head from a long ago comment. But first I want to say that an errand had to be run because we are still in the reconstructing of a kitchen needing final finishes. I asked son John who…
Education wears many booties. . . .
Knowing the comics section as I do, it appears that she’s studying Doonesbury, which thrills my heart! Of course she’s already read Dilbert (on the front page)… Love, Emma E’s grandfather I never knew the supreme abilities of the comics to educate. I remember when our two eldest, Tresy and David first…
When Your I Am Is Recognized. . . life’s dynamics. . . .
When your I Am is recognized. . . life’s dynamics. . The first time I became aware of being recognized as someone Other than this Veronica was having my brother Mike’s face light up like a Christmas Tree when I came to his house. He was in the process of leaving life and when I…
You Have To Reach High . . . .
Mar 10, ’87. . . I scribed. . . Where discipline is not thought to be self imposed. . . To know when one demeans one’s own system, is to debase the spirit within. It is all a value system. A value system. And a value system worth its salt will not be maligned in…
When you are the ‘only’. . . it takes just one. . .
So Who Cares. . . Nobody I guess. . . Except you do. . . All it takes is just one I hear, to look for the sun to rise each morning. . to look at the moon at night and wonder, where home is. . . to keep the world turning on its axis.…