Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • Grace To Be Trusted. . .

      Grace To Be Trusted . . . . (The following was written in another period when we worried whether our democracy would endure, with the lack of moral courage and steel spines apparent. Unquestionably, with knowledge vested,  Speaker Pelosi has shown the example of behavior required of  each of us.)    It is impossible…

  • We Keep the World for Them . . .

            Put the sabers at the foot of the evergreen. The dove sings high; gargles her song at times but she knows,  she knows. . .  Peace          

  • Some Things We Need To Hear Again. . . . .

      Do You Hear? Do I have more minutes to finish?   There was no time for answers because the little one with a dash was out of sight.   In a few minutes he was back and announced,  I finish.   Having learned to wait while private things were finished,  I waited again while he proceeded to his room.…

  • Peace. . . .

    Many times for many, the comment is forget the past, the moment is all. Some even say too much time is spent in the past but rising thought is not enough is given to understanding the why of it and to rectify behavior which we have dressed cunningly in costumes for battle. To protect the…

  • A Midnight Adventure. . .

    The noise started at 12:20 a.m. with a whirring.  And it rumbled through the concrete floors and affected my heart rhythm.  I fibrillated and became concerned.  It started when I was readying for bed and when I settled in bed and was comfortably placed, I tensed and the bed shivered. It was with a vibration…

  • Pieces Of My Heart. . . .for Emma E. . . .

      I have not posted this past week because of some impediment in my desk computer, but thanks to my grandson who found the wrong and corrected it.  I am grateful.  I felt I had lost my voice. But what I did was work to get some knitting done and the articles will be on…

  • Sufficient Unto Itself . . .is the day. . .

    Big guy, our Newfie, came in to get me up this morning.  It was early but I said give me five.  Which means I need more time.  He left me to take guard outside my room until I said let’s go.  I grabbed a throw since it was dark and cold.  And prepared for time…

  • The Birthday Girl. . . and a happy two!

      Two years ago we had word that Emma E. came to us at 1 lb 12 oz.   Over 30 years ago we had similar word of her father coming early too at a similar weight.  We have gone to our knees many times in these years begging for the best in all worlds.  And…

  • How High Up You Reach. . . .

      What is hidden will surface and cannot be forever controlled. ***** Manipulation is the black boot sitting on the head. ***** A broader view is the fullness of a larger life. ***** How to teach Within is the treasure and without the Within there is no Without. ***** Trying to stay sane in an…

  • Enter Ye, Cautiously. . . .

      Enter Ye, Cautiously. . . ‘May I enter your house?’ I asked and  you answered, ‘yes, but cautiously. You must discard all pretense, assume the mantle of charity and hold high the torch of love.’ ‘Ahhh,’ I said, ‘but would I qualify? ‘This house I see has a green carpet with blue ceiling, mystically…