You Laid Your Heart On Me. . . .
There are more than a hundred of us who share in what I call the ‘jenny genes.’ I am neither boasting nor complaining because we all share faults as well as some victories, though the latter have come with a price paid dearly. And the faults have had a dear price also. One of…
good and faithful servant, Thou Art. . . .
The Roses Are For You. . . It was a new friend Jan who remarked that she knew I didn’t know we were different. And I remember feeling hurt that again I was on the outside looking in and now my children were also outside the circle. But as she continued to be my friend…
Embrace The Differences. . .
Sometimes there is a need to repeat what one has already written because of new interest or new readers. Because for some there is no access to already printed essays, I ask you to bear with me this time to accommodate new readers. It will also help to refresh our memories of what we filed…
Who First Told Us?. . . .
It was my favorite holiday of gratitude. Family friends were visiting so on the day we were seated at the linen covered table with an extension to accommodate everyone. The children this year wanted to be at the same table. Close elbow to elbow for this gala occasion. Excitement was high as the turkey…
As It Was. . . .
Paraphrasing the Teacher in a journal entry of a December past. . . . ‘She quietly opens the door and slips to the crib, not knowing the child’s father has already retired for the night in the room. She watches the child in sickness and the son watches his mother with her magic chants as…
Simple sums. . .Bread for the Day. . .
Simple Sums. . . Bread for the Day. . . . It seems the length of our lives is directly connected to our unresolves. ***** To find beauty in the doing, puts even the most menial task in the position of praising life. ***** Skirmishes, both large and small, are always grist for someone’s…
Under The Wings. . . cont’d. . . .
(for my new readers and for those who needed to be reminded , I share again this vignette. I wish you a joyous holy day. . .) Do I have more minutes to finish? There was no time for answers because the little one with a dash was out of sight. In a few minutes…
Under The Wings. . . .
In exasperation a beloved said it takes you a whole page to say you went to the corner! And I realize that was the answer to why my perspective is different and so is yours. We see and hear things differently because we endow life with who we are. My readers know that I…
Many Truths. . .Many Worlds. . . .
A question arose when reading and I was ready to put down the book. Coming to mind were thoughts I had to make peace with. I had been told . . . ‘there are many truths. There is not just one truth and all else is false. All things are true in some place…
The Lady Of The Blue Cloths. . . .
There are posts I have written that speak well to the present times. I think for those who follow me there might be some understanding from these earlier writings. There might be a moment when the thought comes, oh I see where she comes from. I hope so. For me it is a visit…