From Where Did You Come ? . .
On September 28, 2017 I posted a segment called Angels Unaware. It was about a dream I had that stayed with me and was highly detailed. A young teacher of hearing impaired students was teaching them how to read people and speak with almost perfect diction. The dream stayed with me and because it was…
Hunger For Knowledge. . .
Hunger For Knowledge. . . The hunger for knowledge knows no bounds and the kind of acceptance which bespeaks the heart which no longer cares enough to fight for its own existence nor the existence of an Other will soon lose the fight altogether. Caring is in style. Nurturing is in style one way or…
Taking It Personally. . .
Taking It Personally . . . (we were having breakfast with a young friend) From a journal entry after the breakfast. . . . the Teacher speaks . . . Your justification of man at the breakfast table yesterday proved a point. The mate said that Jacob was not what you thought him to be. …
Crashing The Cosmic Gates. . .
Crashing The Cosmic Gates. . . If you are not gun shy after being shot, then you don’t understand the purpose of a gun. ***** The soul tries on all attitudes to see which one fits the present world one lives in. ***** All conditions can lend to growth because all conditions contain…
Times Such As These. . (do we not learn, ever?)
Times Such As These. . . I lock up the room and pocket the last remnants of words laying about unattended. Fearful that pieces of my heart may be found scattered among them. And why not? Times such as these leaves us with little salve to heal the open wounds which once were…
Love Is The Currency. . .
( I had written. . . ) I really need some one to listen to my words and consider them and tell me there is rest and love and ultimate design in all this. That I can look at the morning and not feel it will be snatched by high noon. That I can walk…
All Time Is Simultaneous. . holographic universes. . .
June 17, 1984 journal. entry edited only for space . . I was sitting in my chair at the dining room table reading the paper when glancing out the north windows I caught sight of Michael emerging out of his green truck. He was drinking water out of a peanut butter jar and the setting…
By Example We Teach. . .
All Things Are Connected. . . No matter the outcome of any event, the process of integrating is uppermost within the chest of treasures. It is not that all things are diverse, but that all things are connected in a way that is concealed and discernment is required for enlightenment. Rubies are connected to stones…
Wandering The Galaxies. . .
Wandering The Galaxies. . . Again, I am here with pictures, primitive to be sure, that I drew of what I encountered in the dream world written on September 9, 1991. Previously I had shown the pictures I had drawn of the gentle fishes in the post on this blog called Worlds I know. .…
There Is Still Time. . .
(Sometimes the poet and writer needs a good talking to.) There Is Still Time. . . I say. . . . What more can I do? I am tired and I am old. You say. . You are still breathing. And as long as there is…