Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • Wandering The Galaxies. . .

    Wandering The Galaxies. . . Again,  I am here with pictures,  primitive to be sure,  that I drew of what I encountered in  the dream world written on September 9, 1991.  Previously I had shown the pictures I had drawn of the gentle fishes in the post on this blog called Worlds I know. .…

  • There Is Still Time. . .

            (Sometimes the poet and writer needs a good talking to.)           There Is Still Time. . . I say. . . . What more can I do?  I am tired and I am old. You say. . You are still breathing.  And as long as there is…

  • A World Affair. . .

              A World Affair. . . Give me the space in which a few minutes rest and tell me the color of your eyes. I know the direction your mind would take you, the roads upon which you go. I hear your songs of liberation from a self holding you prisoner…

  • My Earth, My Earth. . .

      How often have we said ‘it just doesn’t translate.’  Meaning that the nuance of the word is so important that when it isn’t there,  the meaning alters.  The word insensate is such a word.  The meaning of sensate means that there is an appreciation by the senses,  that what is perceived is beautiful and…

  • The Breaking Day. . .

      Not often do we find sunrise photos.  I thank Jon Katz of for this photo which he so graciously lets me use.   Here in California,  morning’s sunrise can be counted on pretty much and often to our detriment as these weeks have shown.  Still, photos like these require a photographer to rise early…

  • Reverence For Learning. . .

    If I was to be an earth shaker,  I would first shake man.  I would have the apples fall down on his head again and again until some sense would come from the constant bombardment.  I would ply him with this food that tells him who he is.  I would have him search his inmost…

  • Sum Virat Honor. . . We Honor Truth. . . .

    It is not without recourse that the soul cries in the night.  It is not with abandon that the individual who mourns whatever loss, be it of his innocence or that of a physical parting, is left.  We know and are known, and never is there a thought which rises from the physical brain and…

  • Show Me. . . you are the more. . .

    Show Me. . . you are the more. . . When I see you in your prayers, you pull from me something akin to obeisance of the highest kind. I drop to my knees and want to pray with you, to the mighty of All That Is who garnished upon us all the sweetness that…

  • We Are Her Stewards. . . . . . love her. . . serve her. . . protect her. . .

      Photo by Joe Hallissey Sr.

  • Angels Unaware. . .

      Angels Unaware. . . Seldom do dreams stay with me,  and though there are many diverse opinions on the importance of dreams,  in early times they were taken as imperative directions.  This one has stayed with me every day for a week.  It was a dream of deaf children and it seemed it went…