Pondering The Imponderables. . .
After a harrowing time for our country, we draw back to breathe and wish for uneventful, or common good. For me at this time, I come forth after a nightmare of a month that began with a simple ear infection, migrated the following week to a root canal and ended two weeks later after…
To Make a Difference. . . .
We come to help make better. We come because we hope to make a difference, however small. The small things, when carried out with concern, can involve a lifetime or many lifetimes. You cannot change the course of genetic evolution. It takes its time. Engineering may be able to code the dna but the…
Cosmic Connections. . . .
The past is still happening, the future has already happened and we race to catch up with it. This is a quantum theory, that all time is simultaneous. The Holographic Universe was published in 1986 by Michael Talbot but I did not read it until 2015 when I learned the theory I have lived…
Windfalls. . .
When I was 12 my family moved to The Farm. There is nowhere in mind that soothes my psyche as The Farm and for such a few years of my life, my teen years and yet these filled my yearning for something my heart knew. In my memory bank those years were a…
Practicing Proverbs. . . a worn path
The justification is there for everyone’s life. We are redeemed. And the eulogies certainly point this out, don’t they? ***** Is it knowledge or faith in us that if push comes to shove, our God will rescue us. Give it thought. ***** Freedom of choice is a responsibility. It is also a sacrament *****…
Someone Has To Do The Plowing. . . .
Hope And hope is the drug, the elixir, the stimulant, the narcotic, the life saver, the god. That tomorrow will be better, that there will be a rainbow, that the snows will come and cover the door, that the rains will come and relieve the parched ground, that the vineyards will be planted, that love…
The Laws of Compensation. . .
Too late I learn life holds the sharpest knife. Cutting the loaf accordingly and with compassion passes the butter. The Laws of Compensation do prevail and it is a lesson most do not like to think about. Retribution for whatever deeds is a commonplace happening but there will always be those who think the die…
Bless The Experience. . .
I needed the lesson and this blessed essay was a given. It has found readers needing the comfort and direction as I did and that I can share this again and bring comfort to others is where the blessing continues to be given. We can remember the pain of the negative experience but we…
How To Do It. . . .
You ask. . . On focusing, your thoughts, your words. . . how do you do it? I say. . . I barrel down into my center and listen with my inner ear and hear what my heart says. It is within me that I have my world. This is what and where I…
After The Storm. . .
To those who have inquired and wondered how we have weathered Hurricane Matthew, we did well. The Refuge behind us soaked up water as it was designed to do and our home withstood the elements handily. Thank you for your concern and this hurricane will do nicely for the rest of my days. Uneventful is…