Process of Change. . .
I had just put the dog out and as she limped I thought it did not take away from her exuberance in the moment. We often think our present problem spoils everything. It will if we allow it to. We can learn to overlook or look over the problem, physical or otherwise to see that…
No Space To Grow Bread. . .
No Space To Grow Bread. . . They are young, you say, with hormones raging in bodies having no desire for libraries and no entry monies for museums. . . In these places where soldiers in perilous times are forever sowing seeds of freedom, with farmers tilling soil of rocks and clay to feed the…
In Prayerful Consideration. . .
Everything teaches . . . and not being one to allow opportunity to be lost, I caught the moment and brought forth something long on my heart. Even as a child I gave my mother dyspepsia because of my questions. The God of my mother was so busy watching this 8 year old to keep…
As The Script Was Being Written. . .
Oftentimes as we age, we wonder, and some of us are prone to wonder a lot, how to have done things differently. And considering what we knew at the time, what situations presented, the conclusions reached are that we did the best we could. We gave it our best shot considering. I understand that on…
Soul Research. . . .
To be told of the awaiting Divine Reward has its place, but being human a little human praise is never out of place. ***** Illusions do not dress the effort. The merit of the effort addresses and dresses the work. ***** Sometimes we wander like lost sheep in search of a shepherd. The quality of…
By Whose Authority. . .
By Whose Authority. . . . Your house is too small, he said and now we will expand. . . I will not put you out with the vultures, but what you will know is that I continue to love you. And will tell you winter comes again and you will see the sun rise…
Promises. . .
A Chance For Love. . . Each time is a new time, cast in the shadow of a rock, a cave, or even a cove. . . Simply set and inspired by a rolling coast, a sunset, a glimpse of a new place. . . New tidings of good cheer, a glass of sweet wine,…
Croesus, My Country
Croesus, My Country Croesus stumbled and laid back a war torn skin for public autopsy. With bruises bested by emotional welts too deep to be visible, he wept. In the eye of the cyclone, the earth’s erratic heartbeat was his heart; the blood drenching the soil was his blood and the screams of the mothers…
The Example Teaches. . . no crossed signals. . .
Quantum, sumus, scimus. . . you are what you know. . . Sometime in my history, someone touched my life with their example and I learned to love books. It was in reading that I became aware that the Talmud taught that the only reason for Being was learning. Learning became the end in itself. …
The Good Night. . . .
The Good Night I ask you to take the good night and follow your heart. Wherever it takes you, follow it, for it will not lead you astray. Cancel all thoughts of destinations conceived in mind. They do not exist for you. But follow the leanings of your heart in flight and take the good…