When The Real Money Is Counted. . . .
The Teacher Continues. . . . When it comes to memory, how do we separate what is currently ours? Yet the question should be, what is not ours when we are part of humankind? What can we separate from since we do not know what it is we have participated in since time began? Have…
Memories With No Putting Place. . .
The Teacher Speaks. . . .what exactly is memory? Except long things outstanding, which in the course of living, become shorthand of a sort. It would appear that memories should not encroach on one, especially when they are not part of the current life. But since we take on the body of choice, then we…
Some Thoughts. . . .
When in doubt about what to do; the human thing to do is one which will contribute to humanity’s growth. ***** And without memory, one has no idea of how the past deposits its residual in the present nor what the present can do to frame the future. ***** The one requiring more learning, more…
A Good Friend
A Good Friend. . . . There is a dark side to everyone’s personality, especially the sensitive one. This dark side often rides the sensitive so heavily that others find them burdensome. Yet needful because being sensitive, they are often also understanding and responsible. When one needs a someone, they are always there, to make…
The Sound Loaf
The Sound Loaf Evolution or God (perhaps one and the same) finely grinds the meal ever so slowly while I cannot breathe with the dust in the air. But there will one day be understanding with the digestion of the bread. . . . The wholeness of the grain so nicely baked till the…
If School Is To Keep. . . .
The Newborn. . . The infant balls her fists and pounds the transparent air as if her fists will give her strength enough to break the frustration binding her to an indifferent world. Where no one exalts the intelligence she came with nor the energy to make new and make a difference in this…
To Use These Hands. . . .
To Use These Hands. . . . As dawn breaks, my fingers of both hands curl about each other and I marvel at their slimness, their ability to elicit the feel of themselves, each digit wrapped around the other. And I think that nothing, no other world will ever make me feel such blessedness as…
Love Embraces All Worlds. . (without exception)
(this is my Christmas card for this year 2015 to my readers and loyal supporters in time and thought to my efforts in my blog. May you have a meaningful holy day or holiday whatever your persuasion. There is no misunderstanding when heart speaks to the each heart.)
To Embrace The Essence. . . .
To Embrace The Essence He was a young man when he went up to the top of the mountain and a very old man when he came down. What he saw we will always wonder but how close was he when he embraced the essence of God. It was no mean feat we…
The World Needs Christmas. . . . . .
Let us hold the candle. . . . . .