Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • Times Such As These . . . . how many???

      (I am running out of words and energy at this time nearing the terminus of my life.  I find that what I have written in the past of these earth shaking events are words that still wring my heart to shreds.  And yours, too.  I cannot find other words to tell their story.  Our…

  • All Who I ARE. . .

    The Kabbalah, practiced before Judaism, states that death is not final.  When the Sages died, they simply went into the next room.  Seekers then could enter and ask their questions and converse.   Scribing was done by the chosen seekers .  I have scribed for a long time and many do and call it automatic writing…

  • I Take Your Hand. . .

      0bservations from an almost 50 year old mother to 3 sons in their late twenties. . . Journaled in June of 1980—— now an aged, almost 91 mother with a very tired head and a compromised immune system sporting a half dozen conditions ready for a nap . . . May, 2022 As a…

  • You Will Fall In Love With Your Earth. . .

      Tell me what it means. . . With the leaking draft of the early consensus of the Roe v Wade controversy,  suddenly confronting me  are meanings of words and phrases I have used and hopefully explained my meanings.  I truly don’t know if my  meanings relate to what you think about the subjects I’ve…

  • Because of Love and Balance, not Fear. . .

    On December 30, 2017 I wrote the following.  I edit only for space and my comments in the writing since then . . . I sat with my coffee and thought vengeance is mine saith the lord and took it to say with my vision, ahhh yeah.  There is balance and I will write it.…

  • They Are Reasons and what has taken almost a hundred years. .

    Having been a newspaper clipper when living in Michigan with the Detroit Free Press,  I rediscovered  things.  One was Bob Talbert’s article speaking of Monsignor Francis X. former professor and rector of Sacred Heart Seminary and what he passionately preached to his students. . . Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they…

  • Time To Bend At The Knee . . . earth day comes.

    It is long past time that we take cognizance of what it is we have done to our Earth planet.   She is still here for us to love and care for.   She is still here for us to give us breath, polluted it may be in some areas, but where we are, hopefully it is…

  • Out Of The Evolutionary Rut. . . .

      Kicking the wheel out of the rut. . . . After many years of struggle, and a broken heart in  repair constantly, I finally began to peace and to piece my problem when reading the Clan of The Cave Bear.  I know, I have spoken nonstop and written many times of this.  I recommend…

  • A Lesson in Strawberries. . . . .

    I was a young girl of 12 and it was our first summer on The Farm and it was a hard one.   But it also was filled with good food straight from the warm earth.  My mother had a talent for growing things in the city despite its polluted air even 70 years ago; people…

  • The Cost Of War. . .don’t get me started. . .

    The Cost Of War. . .Knotted Family Ties. . . She was little more than a toddler.  She was plain, even mousy by standards of beauty deemed for the very few.  Stringy hair, hazel eyes with poor sight even and not the porcelain English complexion esteemed by her heritage.  Left with her brother in Scotland…