Dr. Jonas Salk. . Conscious Evolution. . .
Having been an avid newspaper addict, and leaning to clutter, I tackled a box of clippings yellow with age because then there was no money to buy books. The local libraries knew the boys and this mother well. So I read for the past week brittle clips mostly from early 80’s. I placed aside an…
No Space To Grow Bread. . . .
No Space To Grow Bread. . . They are young, you say, with hormones raging in bodies, having no desire for libraries and no entry monies for museums . . . In these places, soldiers in perilous times were forever sowing seeds of freedom, with farmers tilling soil of rocks and clay to…
Long Past The Time. . .earth in hostage. . .
(I scribed this on February 24, 2018 and it was posted on that day. Sadly it bears repeating .) There are times that call men to action and this is one of them. It is time that certain ideas give way to the new ideas but ones that have been incubating for a long…
Hunger For What Is Remembered. . . .
I write only of worlds I know. Of little, gentle fishes called Nords and Kerns and of Teachers. Did I create them or discover them in place? They shimmer for me. They are not just one world. There are also places of poverty that touch the living heart and strum it with songs of despair…
Help Balance Our World. . . .
Where is this place called home? The elders often sit with a distant look and one hears them say I need to go home. Most lives have given no exact place to these words, but all of us have heard them said since we were children. I brought this place with me when I arrived…
Sufficient Unto Itself . . .is the day. . .
Big guy, our Newfie, came in to get me up this morning. It was early but I said give me five. Which means I need more time. He left me to take guard outside my room until I said let’s go. I grabbed a throw since it was dark and cold. And prepared for time…
The Farm Woman. . .
Someone probably said, considering there is nothing new under the sun, I knew the journey my spirit would take would be the one closest to my heart. That would be the earth and sky of course, a farm. The details would be only as difficult as I could overcome and not more than…
The Children Will Lead. . . but You Are The Answer. . . .
The Children Shall Lead Us. . . . Young people, some only in grammar schools, around THE WORLD have taken leave of their classrooms today to strike their concerns about the coming death of their best and only classroom. It is this planet Earth. Our only home as far as most of us know,…
The Earth Gods Know. . .we do not swim alone. .
Journaled December 1992 . . . following. .the Great Nor’easter. . december’92 Nature expounds her presence with all. She ventures to shout her presence. She sends storms and pestilence and calm days and sunny skies to announce her presence. She grants to all the balm of her existence. But she angers and cries…
For Me, it is Eternity. . . .
I was sitting and looking at our landscaping and thought I must remember this. This is for eternity for me. It was the end of the day and the sun was setting. I feasted my eyes on my surroundings. And my eyes took in every detail and when they fastened on the next door…