Category: Earth

  • The Earth Gods Know. . .

      I scribe.  The teacher speaks. . . Nature expounds her presence with all.  She ventures to shout her presence.  She sends storms and pestilence and calm days and sunny skies to announce her presence.  She grants to all the balm of her existence.  But she angers and cries .  And in frustration teaches what…

  • My Earth, My Earth. . .

      How often have we said ‘it just doesn’t translate.’  Meaning that the nuance of the word is so important that when it isn’t there,  the meaning alters.  The word insensate is such a word.  The meaning of sensate means that there is an appreciation by the senses,  that what is perceived is beautiful and…

  • We Are Her Stewards. . . . . . love her. . . serve her. . . protect her. . .

      Photo by Joe Hallissey Sr.

  • Approaching Earth Day. . . .as a lover. . . .

    Love Letter To My Planet Earth My love affair started when I was about eight and laid upon the green grass and willed the clouds into playmates for my thoughts.  I wished, I told my sky,  I wished to be wise.  I am not sure I knew what wise meant other than just plain smart.…

  • I Am The Tree. . . .

    I Am The Tree. . . In man’s history, there was a time when his consciousness with Nature melded.  Man did not look upon Nature as object to be observed, outside of himself,  but was at one with it.  It would be saying ‘I am the breath that blows through the trees and wind we…