Category: Essays

  • The Great Ahhhhman. . . . .

    Your Answers Will Be Sufficient. . . . The path to understanding the other is begun by understanding ourselves.  When we begin the inward path to self knowledge, we can then view ourselves with compassion and then view others with compassion.  All knowledge is applicable to the self. It is not worthy of the name…

  • Two Best Buddies. . .

    Two Best Buddies. . . I was at the sink in our home in Florida when grandson Josh came in with this bear and I gasped!  When I found my voice I asked if he was staying.  The answer was we don’t know if he fits.  Fits whom, what or where?  After a few skirmishes, …

  • A World Made Manifest. . . .

      If it was a certainty that world creation was a fact, what kind of world would you create?  If you knew for a fact that your acts upon days upon days created just such a world, how would you change your behavior?  And what would be the attributes you would enhance that world with?…

  • With A Little Bit Of Practice. . . .

        I was very young and just married  facing much doubt by the new family as to whether I would be equal to being the good wife required of my time and so I worked very hard at being good.  And good meant doing all those things I read in all the women’s journals…

  • In Good Hands. . .

      Many times I have said that this is a classroom and recently I was made to understand it will always be a classroom.  This is what is its purpose.  And my heart hit the floor when I realized it.  Our purpose here is to learn and to change ourselves into what we need to…

  • Have A Heart . . . Ours. . . .

    In my life I have seen much damage done when people have been deeply wounded by emotions  that could not be handled or words that cut and sliced the heart. Is it for us to walk untouched but acknowledging the emotions that devastate us and continue to live our lives with no further ado? Emotions…

  • Balanced Judgment. . . .

    When appearance is all that reality is for some, that is all that counts.  It is a common reality.  Illusion is part of the game. Jesus said that seeing you will not see and hearing you will not hear.  There is a world out there  they are not aware of and it would take a…

  • Seeing, you will not see. . . .

        These events have become connected in my life and documented, they stand.  I have no credentials attached to my name but because I have been involved in an independent study on a daily basis for over a half century, if I dismiss them I would negate a substantial life. To say these events…

  • This Old House. . . consider this. . .

      This Old House. . . . I am like this old house.  I have windows that are broken or have shifted in the space designed for them.  I have appendages that were once new rooms added on to make space for new dreams or for widening the premises for old forms expanding. There were…

  • Papa, I Plead Now. . . or the dream will go begging. . . .

    It is long past the time for all people to stand and demand of themselves to be infused with a steel core to uphold their wobbly selves. We have stood by and watched the principles upon which we have built our lives and our children’s heritage broken and by pieces swept away.  It is long…