When It Escapes The Knowledge of Others. . . .
We have those close to us disturbing our righteousness when we shout ‘enough already!’ when the going is hard in our lives. They utter words like we make choices to suffer. For good, Fundamentalist friends no longer are so quick to speak their knowledge saying God must love you very much to send such…
Me and Mother Nature Have a Something Going On. .
(please keep in mind my understanding that all time is simultaneous . ) In the April 10th 1992 journal entry I wrote of a prior conversation our second son David and I had before he left our Earth, (a philosophy major first before becoming a lawyer) about the benign nature of the Universe, being neither…
Some Awards Do Not Hang On Walls. . . . .
Often we think nothing has been accomplished in our lives, so I encourage journal keeping, if only a few sentences limited to what one learns in the day. Many of us have enlisted our efforts in what cannot be seen. The journals will show the awards that hang on the heart and not on the…
A hyacinth for our Country’s Soul . . .
With pen and tablet I watched Morning Joe and felt I was auditing a class with Joe Scarborough and Jon Meacham, both knowledgeable speaking about the fragility of our democracy. And the lasting words of Professor Meacham were the thunderous grievances of our previous leaders that cannot thought to be ended. But in fulness and…
To Break The Waves, enough it is. . . .
(sometimes in the midst of memories, I need to be reminded of what mattered most. And if I need this, perhaps a reader does also. The memory is now fresh for me. I appreciate the chance for reprinting a favorite one.) After having been told a zillion times that no one would want my head, …
The Spirit Within Speaks. . .
In reviewing this poem, I was surprised to see the journal entry so I read it anew. And the last paragraph of the two pages typed was the lament that I had a head with so much to say I felt I was going to die. And I wrote the words of St. Paul, ‘it…
Often the Larger Picture is Universal Life. . enhanced. . .
Jon Meacham, historian, told the story of when President Reagan was in the hospital after being shot he was wiping up some water in the bathroom when a surprised visiting President Bush asked him what he was doing. I spilled water and I didn’t want the nurse to get blamed for it he said. These…
Our Light That Shines. . . .
Sometimes we find when we are not on good terms with ourselves, life is not sympathetic to how we are feeling. Yet we fulfill what is demanded and later are grateful that someone stands beside us when we are in need. We hope that whatever we offered is regarded not with impatience we might have…
Connected Still. . with AAhhh Mann and Amen. .
I wish I had remembered when I was trying to convince a young grandniece that indeed not all people know enough to worry and that worrying is an advanced form of thinking. How can you not worry when you have made babies and commitments? But when you are unsure of your own survival, it is…
Ordinary, but real. . . . .
Again, in that conference time when all is quiet, you cannot go back to not knowing, once having attained what it is you know. Quantum, sumus, scimus. You are what you know. And what you know is yours forever. The talents, the Master spoke of, no one understood to teach. What moth and rust…