Category: Touchstone

  • I Cherish A Good Hope. . .

      Machiavelli’s letter to Vettori. . . . In the Vettori letter, Machiavelli had written the following,  “The evening being come, I return home and go to my study; at the entrance I pull off my peasant clothes, covered with dust and dirt and put on my noble court dress and thus becomingly reclothed,  I…

  • We Are The Holder Of Memories. . . .

      In researching I came across these two entries and I found them mirroring quantum physics that all time is simultaneous.  And surprisingly found the original poem in my files.  All surprises since memory falters and am glad hard files keep . Journal entry April 6, ’92. . (.Edited only for length) Vault of God.…

  • An Argument Still. . . .

      My mentor, the Nazarene  said,  seeing you will not see and hearing you will not hear.  Why is it when we profess to be followers and even from the pulpits, do not venture to ask,  what did Jesus mean when he said those words?  We think because we see what we see, it is…

  • Sometimes, more than cola. . . of course with hot tea. . . .

      With all that is happening on our national scene and our global scenes, we all need something that will settle the dyspepsia.  It seems I have run out of tonic water and cola so a good stiff drink of something we should find, with hot tea, of course. I was again reminded that heavy…

  • Children Carry The Light. . .

      When Maria Wulf of showed the paintings of Blue, I saw Blue’s particular bent added to this art form.  I had one of her works for granddaughter Jessie and wondered when Maria talked of my writing to Blue what would be her thinking.  Her response was that I came to bring a message.…

  • We Keep the World for Them . . .

            Put the sabers at the foot of the evergreen. The dove sings high; gargles her song at times but she knows,  she knows. . .  Peace          

  • Some Things We Need To Hear Again. . . . .

      Do You Hear? Do I have more minutes to finish?   There was no time for answers because the little one with a dash was out of sight.   In a few minutes he was back and announced,  I finish.   Having learned to wait while private things were finished,  I waited again while he proceeded to his room.…

  • Sufficient Unto Itself . . .is the day. . .

    Big guy, our Newfie, came in to get me up this morning.  It was early but I said give me five.  Which means I need more time.  He left me to take guard outside my room until I said let’s go.  I grabbed a throw since it was dark and cold.  And prepared for time…

  • The Birthday Girl. . . and a happy two!

      Two years ago we had word that Emma E. came to us at 1 lb 12 oz.   Over 30 years ago we had similar word of her father coming early too at a similar weight.  We have gone to our knees many times in these years begging for the best in all worlds.  And…

  • Enter Ye, Cautiously. . . .

      Enter Ye, Cautiously. . . ‘May I enter your house?’ I asked and  you answered, ‘yes, but cautiously. You must discard all pretense, assume the mantle of charity and hold high the torch of love.’ ‘Ahhh,’ I said, ‘but would I qualify? ‘This house I see has a green carpet with blue ceiling, mystically…