Category: Touchstone

  • Wandering The Galaxies. . . again. .

      (This morning  November 19, 2019, I read that Bill Gates has unveiled a solar energy project  aimed at saving the planet.  I am excited about this and am rerunning a post from October 28, 2017 about my dream with solar trees  I saw and drew from a dream and entered in my journal September,…

  • Given By Grace. . . .

        As long as you don’t mind. . . .   My mother and my sister would be saying now, there you go alibi-ing again.  Why don’t you just say that you make excuses or that someone is too lazy to try, whatever they are not doing? Because I don’t want to think they…

  • Straight on Through. . . .

                        Emile. . . .  ‘Do come in,’ she motioned to the visitor. ‘Things are not straightened, but they will be shortly.’ The large home had seen numbers of people marching through the hall; booming voices, woman whispers, babies’ tears baptizing the walls and christening the…

  • We Take One Step. . . the most difficult. . . .

      A moral choice. . . .the long view. . . . Those of us who dream, have those dreams we hold tightly.  And know there has never been time enough for those dreams to be fulfilled.  We have made commitments and the needs of those commitments take precedence for whatever humane reason.  These commitments…

  • It Is A Gift. . . .

      ‘Each lifetime lived adds to the cumulative sense of loss.’ the teacher All Who I  Am. . . I feel the pull of the Polish one bent over her bread board, pounding, kneading, smoothing the egg dough into a satiny mound.  Raisins, like eyes, half buried in the fleshy loaf, stare at me, daring…

  • What a relief it is!. . . ‘me’ time at last. . . .

    Emma E. pushes her chair to the desk, gets her favorite book and sets herself up for a little ‘me’ time. . . .

  • it is all for real. . . we must care what we do. . . .

    November 4, 2019—the night before, Sunday the 3rd of November  I read the following and it undid me.  I will write more of this time later but need to post the edited journal entry of Oct 24, ’91.  I have only been familiar with quantum theory since 2015 and Michael Talbot’s holographic universe.  This has…

  • Scribing Selections. . .

      Scribing Selections. . . . The world opens and closes to give us glimpses momentarily.  But these glimpses of the view linger to haunt us forever. ***** What you see is not what you get.  What you get is what you see. ***** What stays in the mind is easier to relate to than…

  • You just gotta laugh sometimes. . . .

      Grampa says. . . . when the grandparents are SLOW, you sometimes have to do the set up work YOURSELF ! no job too big, or girl too small, we are kin so do them all !  

  • Claim The Difference. . .

      Claim The Difference. . .   From a July 24,’84 entry—-because I have integrated simultaneous time during my adult life (it was not easy and I also am familiar with dimensions of no time with dream frames posted on my blog), the following was an early topic of discussion (from a cosmic view, yesterday).…