Category: Poetry

  • I Lit The Candle

    I Lit The Candle I lit the candle and waited. Time passed. I lit the candle and waited. Fill me, Sweet Spirit. Let my heart learn once again the habit of loving. Come into my kitchen among the cutlery and pots, to the table in the middle of chaos. Two chairs. I light the candle…

  • Pieces Of The Rock

    Pieces Of The Rock Nowadays we nicely say that one is in denial when what one is too embarrassed to own.   We say it never happened.  An elder always quoted her favorite saying as an absolute.   You can always catch a thief she said but you can never catch a liar.  Jesus said all ye…

  • Fairy Dust

       Fairy Dust Will the children find how shaky all things are and the gods who are their parents, all illusion? What will I say then? “All of it, my dear, all of it is nothing but fairy dust, created by a head in search of its own dream.” Where would I be then? In…

  • The Homecoming

      The Homecoming The Teachers Speak. . . .there are many ways to explain the life most lead on the Earth planet with even a normal set of senses.  Yet there are so many different ways outside the senses and if one tried to understand fully the picture,  one would become immobile.   There are that…

  • The Knotted Family Ties

    The Knotted Family Ties The trauma that engulfs a family when a sibling transits this world leaves unbelievable tears in a family fabric.  Everything surrounding, every event takes on a meaning whose depth only the individuals directly affected can hope they withstand.  They must master this poignant injury if they are one day to emerge…

  • The God Search

    From a work in progress I speak of beginning my search,  because of course the word journey was outside my frame of reference.  I had no way of knowing that this was something only the very brave and the well educated  ventured on.    No one seemed to have answers to my questions and I was…

  • The Invited Guest. . . .the Carpenter

    The Teachers Speak. . . .and yet the beauty we encounter is being multiplied here and there,  but lacking only the invisible quotient.. . . . we have not been invited in.   What did you learn to do so young?   To invite the hosts of heaven as your daily companions and then to proceed to…

  • A Joy And a Privilege

     A Joy And a Privilege It will be thirty years ago this year that a computer was put on my desk.   And it was three weeks later that I approached it knowing I needed to learn how to use it. Up to that time I looked at it everyday and understood that it was here…

  • Look Often Into the Mist

    When we look deeply into our selves, we are often surprised at the direction our thoughts have taken.   Sometimes it is a bit scary simply because it is foreign to our upbringing. It is not what we have been taught. Wondering where this will be leading us, we plow on.   For some of us…

  • The Mist That Sustains Me

    On NBC Nightly News this past March 20 a segment concerning a young boy with memory of a prior life was interviewed and his memories have proven valid and correct.   I was not aware that Dr. Tucker of the University of Virginia was doing research on prior lives of children.   As he said in the…