One of the responders to my latest post on ‘Differing Perspectives’ is an established young writer with a contract with a publishing house for a book of poetry whose name is Ruth Hill. She sent the poem, ‘Felicia’ and gave permission for me to print it since she said we are both Felicias. There are…
The Children’s Primer
When I change my life things will be better for I will be smarter. I will have learned to be nice to myself and tell me how good I am and then I can tell you how good you are. And together we will make the world better. When I change my life and I…
Evolution II: To Run Like The Wind
The new man emerges casting his light which only intensifies the old man’s sterility. No more can dogmas that gave unsubstantial testimony to the old man prevail. No more need the old man’s impotence be the young man’s burden. The threatening shadows have dissipated, revealing the old man’s vulnerability. Out of the sunlight emerges the…
The Nymph And The Divine Self
The nymph within took the hand of my divine self and lifted me high in the pines. Straight toward the place my heart does rest. So high, she said, so high and out too far. Did you see them I asked and I took hold of my divine image and plowed the clouds. I wait…
A Shout To The World
I would fairly shout to the world that we sit in the lap of eternity, the mother lode of time. Eternity has held us close and whispered in our ear the soothing sounds of love. Eternity promises us peace at the altar of hard work and much prayer. It will give us what…
We Break Bread
I have broken bread with old friends for what seems to be many centuries. We continue our conversations begun when yet we were in other times and were other people. But it has been, you see, only a minute. We bring to mind all things old and some things new. ‘Twas but a quirk of…
A Christmas Gift
I lay the swords beneath the evergreens, but you knew that. I also lay old grievances upon the swords, for we have outgrown them. They will be buried low beneath the branches so there will be no weapons to carry. I will not burden my own with my dreams, for in another world they have…
The Laughter
In the dim light of the silent candle, while seated at the kitchen table, I heard laughter. It rose from the belly of one seated at another table and hit the ceiling with a loud guffaw. The ceiling fan threw the laughter out the windows to the winds carrying it afar. My heart welcomed the…
Toward Arms Wide Open
I walk now toward arms wide open to embrace the fabric of who I am. Centuries have gone into the craven pot, stirring to form a compatible formula. Looking always toward humanity’s good, I become with hope, a welcome addition to my Earth’s classroom. November, 2013 photo by John Hallissey
A Paradox
The silences reveal provocative answers to questions only my heart dares ask. In these silences, in the pauses between spaces, answers bloom like petals waiting to be picked. I don’t know how many lifetimes are required to come to this moment where the silences resound boisterously. What is more clearly so is that my heart…