Category: Poetry

  • Christmas Lullaby

    The moon assists the drama heralding the arrival of the event locked within memory. A place, deep within time’s measure nudges from familiar territories the clockwise turn of events. Incense, sweet hay, pungent holly, sweeping palms, evergreen. The eye follows the moon rays to find the final beam lodged in our heart. The ear strains…

  • An Offering

    In all things good we ask that a Light so shine that the good works which are ours will glorify and exemplify all that is true and divine,  both within us and within the Earth.   We ask  Divine guidance be placed upon our heads and within our hearts that we may bring to light all…

  • Waiting For Santa Claus

    The bare floor of the landing, midway to the top of the stairs. began to bite her knees and she grew weary. Her chin pressed the ledge of the frozen window where her breath left a misty hole. Her eyes followed the range of the stars, afraid, afraid of missing the sainted friend who would…

  • Great Songs Will Be Sung

    Should you find the need to tell your story in words, think mightily on them and they will be caught up in the air’s currents and carried on the birds’ wings. They will reach the ears they were designed for. You will find you are not alone and in this infinite universe you will be…

  • Thanksgiving

    THANK YOU My days are filled with murmuring thanks for gifts unbidden. . . . for the stray thought giving answers to questions I did not ask. . . . for the beating heart too tired even to stop and glad that it does not. . . . for the quivering morning poised to take…

  • The Invited Guest

                            I once knew a good carpenter                         who, with hammer and saw                         and wood and file                         showed me how to build a chair.                         I did and sat on it                         and then decided  I needed a table.                         With hammer and saw                         and wood and file,                         I built a…

  • the first snow

  • Forever Stilled

    Forever Stilled Hear the bird sing. Singing with the guttural sound because the ethers are not light enough to carry her notes. She swallows her song and it is forever stilled.

  • In The Morning

                            In The Morning                         Today is the day                                     I will preen my feathers,                                     open my wings and fly.                         Today is the day                                     I will breathe the elixir                                     of rarefied air                         and bring to me                                     All That Is                                     into a heart grown weary.                         And then I…

  • Bless The Experience

                I learned something.  I learned to ’bless the experience’.             For if the experience has been a negative one,             has left me with a hurt so deep, has filled me with anger,             then I must bless it.  For in the blessing I remove             its power to hurt me again.  I leave…