Out of Nonsense. . . comes Sense. . .
Life before Covid had us all Monday morning quarterbacking at the water cooler about the weekend’s highpoints. This time we witnessed the dancing in the streets with the election’s electoral count yesterday. And with Mary Trump, professional Psychologist and niece of the incumbent president, along with the almost hundred year old eyes researching the why’s…
Our Coat of Many Colors. . .
July 9, 2020 Thursday 4:40 a.m. (excerpt from journal entry) And the thought again is to write of my coat of many colors, and should title it our coat of many colors. Since I have memories, of who I portrayed over the centuries, and have written of my dreams, seeing who I was…
A Cosmic Prayer for Mankind. . . .
Much crowds my head and I would wish to put it out like a grand buffet. But it would bring dyspepsia for the majority and who would turn away. But life is a balanced judgment. We seem to be fed what we need and purposely not what we want. And that is where good…
Make It Count For Real. . . . .
Since I know that no steps are skipped in Evolution, lest we have gaps in behavior even more difficult than what we see, I admit to fatigue as the years encroach. Coming to mind from a time past is our eldest as he waited for his father to drive him to the train back to…
Toward a Destiny. . . . .
Wild geese move within the moments of their destiny framing patterns; struck upon the naked sky. Clocked by indiscreet motions they move in gentler waves instinctively. A buoyancy feathered, sustained by automatic evolution, lay garnered, taken by trust. Confirmed of their geesehood, they soar, with speed amid the chastening winds and luring skies.…
I Am Glad We Are Found. . . .
Wherever we are, it seems only meet and proper to have August cease its summer heat and prepare mentally for the oncoming North Wind. It seems it has forgotten about us blistering in the heat. I am glad we are found. Though conditions prevent our entry back to the classroom in many places, …
When We Handicap Our Young. . . .
They were just children with a love offering. It glinted in the ground and when picked up it glittered as a star in the sky. Of course it would be given to the one loved most! And with grimy hand and full heart it was. With words accompanying the gift, they spilled as starbeams through…
Given. . . With A Promise. . .
With a Promise. . . With the ongoing grief affecting so many in our nation, this was a gift given and I share with you. Our thoughts have a weight and those needing those thoughts are open to us. There will be a tomorrow somewhere. . . and we are asked to live…
No Space To Grow Bread. . . .
No Space To Grow Bread. . . They are young, you say, with hormones raging in bodies, having no desire for libraries and no entry monies for museums . . . In these places, soldiers in perilous times were forever sowing seeds of freedom, with farmers tilling soil of rocks and clay to…
Memory Quilt. . . in triumph warmed. . . .
Many of us have problems that have no resolution. Even after doing all the things we have learned and read about and even those things we have invented, there appear no answers on the horizon. We lose hope and we ourselves are at a loss. It seems strange and baffling that nothing is working. …