Category: Prayers

  • Prayer To The Greater Heart. . . .

        Prayer to the Greater Heart. . . . . Stay with me, my god.  Lead me where my heart should go and stay with me. Give me strength to stay out of the way of other’s growth but give me the compassion to show by example how the road goes. Let me be…

  • Education wears many booties. . . .

      Knowing the comics section as I do, it appears that she’s studying Doonesbury, which thrills my heart! Of course she’s already read Dilbert (on the front page)… Love,   Emma E’s grandfather     I never knew the supreme abilities of the comics to educate.  I remember when our two eldest,  Tresy and David first…

  • When Each Day Is A Victory . . . and our hands touch. . . .

    Oftentimes we wish for words to say the wonderful phrase, that gives motive or impetus to a frame of mind that catapults our committed to things of highest value.  Yet there may be no words to say what needs be said.  What is upfront is already between the eyes. I remember looking in the mirror…

  • All My Heart Required. . . .thank you . . .

  • We Keep the World for Them . . .

            Put the sabers at the foot of the evergreen. The dove sings high; gargles her song at times but she knows,  she knows. . .  Peace          

  • Pieces Of My Heart. . . .for Emma E. . . .

      I have not posted this past week because of some impediment in my desk computer, but thanks to my grandson who found the wrong and corrected it.  I am grateful.  I felt I had lost my voice. But what I did was work to get some knitting done and the articles will be on…

  • It Is A Gift. . . .

      ‘Each lifetime lived adds to the cumulative sense of loss.’ the teacher All Who I  Am. . . I feel the pull of the Polish one bent over her bread board, pounding, kneading, smoothing the egg dough into a satiny mound.  Raisins, like eyes, half buried in the fleshy loaf, stare at me, daring…

  • Godfriends of Caliber. . . gifts of heart. . .

    This bouquet is for you. . . Tish, Marylouise, and Dorothy, Jan, and Joy, heart friends gone but always upfront; now some cyber friends distanced including (few) males attesting publicly to science, but attending silently to problems not to be tested by science gods in their pristine laboratories. All friends of caliber, all honorable characters…

  • When Life Is An Act of Devotion. .love speaks . .

            Grampa says . .  Grandma created first homemade meatballs in eggplant/ tomato sauce over polenta with a salad of romaine, cherry tomatoes and kohlrabi with olive oil and balsamic. . .   and then crafts with grandma Claudia, the talented artist. . . .     And then a story to…

  • We Are In Need, sorely. . .

    We Lift Our Heads. . . We lift our heads as we face our Source and give thanks to these gifts beginning our day; a body without pain and a mind clear and receptive; a heart that beats steadily and ears that hear clearly. For these gifts we are grateful. Open us and allow not…