A sorrow hushed. . . the holocaust. . .
A sorrow hushed. . . the holocaust. . . My ears cleaved to the door frame of the dining room. Her whisper was hoarse, were there many? Lots, he said, lots, as he held the letter that told him what they saw. Speaking in broken English, he continued. They pushed for space, women…
Love and Beauty. . .right to life. . .
Emma E. has been promoted to a step down to less intensive care. She is at 37 weeks and two days ago was at 3 lbs 13 oz. The camera could only catch what was in the heart of the photographer. The love and beauty of both are palpable. They should be every child’s right…
We Are Her Stewards. . . . . . love her. . . serve her. . . protect her. . .
Photo by Joe Hallissey Sr.
A Time For Making Peace. . .
Our Prayer. . . When words have been shouted and have struck hearts forever changed, we gather our resources from within and count on Grace Given by thoughtful minds that harbor goodwill. We pray to what we hold highest and best that we meet challenges that bring the changes needed. And we do not discount…
A Cosmic Experience. . .
From a past journal entry. . . emotions become a burden needing to be understood before they are shrugged. Once understood they become integrated and no longer need to be carried. To understand the fullness of humanity is the first step toward the cosmic experience. When the feelings become more than the human body can…
This Is Our Planet Earth. . . love her. . .
photo by Joe Hallissey Jr.
With Peace As Natural As Breath To Us. . . .
From my heart to yours, I send my Christmas message. In this holiest of seasons, where the desire for peace nudges all hearts no matter their persuasion, let us give way to these highest and best of all emotions and act upon them. By acting upon them until they are second nature to us, in…
With Immense Gratitude, Happy Thanksgiving. . . .
As I prepare to pack and ready myself for the journey to the opposite coast, there will be a lull on this blog for awhile. The children I live with wish to prepare quarters for me to avoid disruption again and I appreciate their concern. My other son will be accompanying me and overseeing and…
The All is Essence. . .
Prayer To The Essence of The Great God To the essence of the great and holy god, we offer ourselves in our bounty and in our sorrows. We ask that we be allowed to enter with all that we are and all we hope we can be. Let us lift our heads to the glories…
The World Needs Christmas. . . . . .
Let us hold the candle. . . . . .