Category: Prayers

  • With Peace As Natural As Breath To Us. . . .

    From my heart to yours,  I send my Christmas message.  In this holiest of seasons, where the desire for peace nudges all hearts no matter their persuasion,  let us give way to these highest and best of all emotions and act upon them.  By acting upon them until they are second nature to us,  in…

  • With Immense Gratitude, Happy Thanksgiving. . . .

    As I prepare to pack and ready myself for the journey to the opposite coast,  there will be a lull on this blog for awhile.  The children I live with wish to prepare quarters for me to avoid disruption again and I appreciate their concern.  My other son will be accompanying me and overseeing  and…

  • The All is Essence. . .

    Prayer To The Essence of The Great God To the essence of the great and holy god, we offer ourselves in our bounty and in our sorrows.  We ask that we be allowed to enter with all that we are and all we hope we can be. Let us lift our heads to the glories…

  • The World Needs Christmas. . . . . .

        Let us hold the candle. . . . . .    

  • Morning Prayer

    Morning Prayer Pray the dawn into morning. Let the cool winds blow across the hot, dry lands and let the rains pour as if through the eyes of angels who stand guard. We will make this land green again and feed the minds of children too long idle and as farmers feed the bellies of…

  • A Cosmic Prayer For Mankind

    You and Your God Within Whether the still  small voice you hear is called Comforter or God or Teacher or by any other name you consider holy,  the promise is good.  What will be brought to mind is what you once knew and now remember or what you need to learn.  And one day, some…

  • Attitude With Gratitude

      Even as a child I was happy to see the long, hot summer gone.  With the Labor Day holiday over, for me the new year begins.  The start of school again was exciting  and I could hardly contain my enthusiasm for the smell of new tablets, new crayons and pencils.  This excitement with learning…

  • With a Singular Voice, We Pray

          With a Singular Voice, We Pray, Grant me peace,  O’ Lord God, to this house I live in and carry with me to the end of my days. Let me see the beauty in everything and everyone. Help me to understand what is mine and what is not. And understand that what…

  • Earth’s Prayer and Benediction

      We Are Earth’s Prayer And Benediction Over the years I have asked us all to fall in love with our Earth.   Obviously it must have been easy for me because I am still in love with her even though I am ending my earth cycle.  I described it as a oneness,  a union nothing…

  • An Invocation

    In Love We Pray As we enjoin the Universal Spirit to entrust us with another spring, another resurrection,  awaken within us the desire to nurture the world that has nurtured us.   Let our hearts lead us to that place where we intuitively cherish the Earth Mother who feeds and clothes us and gives us sustenance.  …