Category: Observations

  • a mountain top experience. . . .

    I had intended to send an email to a friend and instead with this quirk of a mind which is mine, it took to be an essay.  When finished I thought better than to send it.  The reason being another trip to the hospital last weekend in dire straits. An early cardiologist appointment on Friday…

  • All Creatures great and small. . .

        In reading about simple changes in their three dogs leading to a concern, it brought to mind this whole pandemic we have been tangling with.  Not only our concern with humanity but with the creatures we live with.  I am certain we have had more differences of opinions these past two years…

  • What if it is true. . . just for today. . .

    What if it is true. . . . .just for today. . . .  The thought occurred to me what if whatever we think  is true. . .  just for today?  How would it affect me and life around me?  How would it affect you being related in thought with me? What if it were…

  • Like Silly Putty In The Hands Of Children. . . . .

      . . . .I got to thinking about this dream that made this world and all in it.  I have been thinking about Michael Talbot who figured out that this was a holographic universe and everything in it was a soup kitchen.  Soupy and until we looked at it to name it and because…

  • Observations. . .from my lifetimes. . .

    If you do not intend to look back,  it’s best to remember to lift the plow. ***** Wishes are as potent a force as fishes swimming in live water. *****  Under adverse conditions, we become more of what we are. *****  To think is a holy obligation.  And to be held accountable should follow.  We…

  • What’s A Mind For?

    Somethings Learned While Scrubbing. . (with no help and no money we called it work, and did not know it was multi tasking. . )  I scribed. . .January 16, 1994. . . . When capacities are stretched continually, compassion fatigue is a condition when all avenues are locked into emotions.  It is no surprise…

  • We Had But One Name. . . .(in Genesis)

    Perhaps Doris Lessing and I would not be close friends because of commitment.  But I can and do admire her brilliance with the written word and some of her ideas.  Two  things of value stand out.  The first is of  long standing and I spent hours locating this source only to find it at midnight…

  • I Crashed The Gates. . . .

    I have spent time in why I have reached some conclusions and also wish to write a post to explain a bit about my ability to scribe.  I have been into scribing since the ‘60’s and even have the first poem, almost committed to memory.  And that is not an easy mode for me, to…

  • The Bigger Picture is Always More. . . .

        (I happened upon these scanned items in a file and was near tears.  I have read them many times but in this form, cannot remember doing them.  In reviewing my life,  what brought tears was the fact that everything I write about is backed up.  And learning for me is integrating what is…

  • Observations. . . .

    I live in a neat house.  On the day I set out the trash, garbage pickers drive by to look for good things.  They drive away when they realize my garbage is like everyone else’s.  They soon realize I don’t throw away good stuff. *****   For too many people life is a closed circuit TV. …