Skimming the Ethers. . .
Mother to child with expanding knowledge. . . ‘I don’t care in what lifetime you were Pope but in this life you clean up your own messes.. ! Now!!! ***** We clean our own doorstep before the children go out so that they do not step into the muck and mire we neglected to…
Gleanings. . .
Reason will convince in its own time. Violence never does. ***** Reason will convince doubly with example. ****** Life is purposeful, though not entirely reasonable. There is no more reason above man than there is where he is. ***** All of Earth is a demonstration in belief systems. This is the place where diverse…
What The World Needs. . . .
The Tender Embrace. . . We all speak from memory. Whether it is ours or not, it makes little difference. For within us it is so that the one time speaks for all time. And everything else is a variation on a theme. I could not know how deep the emotion which evoked the…
The Sexual Revolution. . .
The Sexual Revolution . . . With all that is coming out and many falling from grace, I want to add some thought to what is happening. After a lifetime of building a philosophy because I felt bereft from birth without one, I have studied on a daily basis and have come to some conclusions. …
From Where Did You Come ? . .
On September 28, 2017 I posted a segment called Angels Unaware. It was about a dream I had that stayed with me and was highly detailed. A young teacher of hearing impaired students was teaching them how to read people and speak with almost perfect diction. The dream stayed with me and because it was…
Bread, not cake. . .
I want bread. . .thank you. . . . I have worked out this loaf that pleases me greatly. It is a favorite when it is fresh and toasted it is not to be believed. An open faced cheddar sliced cheese melted on it to toast with a couple of slices of crisp…
Peace Of Mind. . . .
We persist in thinking we might make a difference because we don’t know when we might make a difference. ***** When illusions are unmasked, coping mechanisms prove unable. ***** Death is a triumph. The tragedy would be had we never been. ***** A cynic is someone on the threshold of understanding. ***** Man’s God is…
Worlds I Know. . . to speak of. . .
A few weeks ago there was an evolutionary find with a faceless fish. I knew that graphic because I have what you see beside this in an October 8. 1987 journal entry. I knew it was somewhere in my journals but there was no way I could remember where. Last night as I was note…
To Break The Waves, enough it is. . . .
After having been told a zillion times that no one would want my head, I have decided that I truly would not want anyone else’s head either. Because then I would not see the world that I love the way I do. I would not see the pine trickle of a branch pulling itself courageously…
Streaming. . . .
All of humankind is in need of professional counseling, but who is going to counsel the counselors? ***** If man is the result of the whim of the Potter, how dependable is the Potter? ***** Or is the lump of clay thrown out willy nilly and at the whim of the elements, molded? ***** Can…