Category: Uncategorized

  • In Prayerful Consideration. . .

    Everything teaches . . . and not being one to allow opportunity to be lost,  I caught the moment and brought forth something long on my heart.  Even as a child I gave my mother dyspepsia  because of my questions.  The God of my mother was so busy watching this 8 year old to keep…

  • As The Script Was Being Written. . .

    Oftentimes as we age,  we wonder, and some of us are prone to wonder a lot, how to have done things differently.  And  considering what we knew at the time,  what situations presented,  the conclusions reached are that we did the best we could.  We gave it our best shot considering.   I understand that on…

  • Soul Research. . . .

    To be told of the awaiting Divine Reward has its place, but being human a little human praise is never out of place. ***** Illusions do not dress the effort.  The merit of the effort addresses and dresses the work. ***** Sometimes we wander like lost sheep in search of a shepherd.  The quality of…

  • Just a Thought in Passing. . . .

    Out of the mouths will come words and in those moments when patience is tired, those moments will speak truth. ***** Un-swallowed remorse is such that no throat opens wide enough to accommodate the sorrow. ***** Optimism comes easily to a body that feels good. ***** In one lifetime, there is always one relationship that…

  • A Matter Of Faith. . . .

    It is amusing to me because whether we believe it or not,  all of life is a matter of faith.  And when the century mark gets closer,  one is no more surprised than I am to recognize the ceiling in the morning bedroom.  When my dentists says we will see you in six months,  it…

  • Some Thoughts To Consider. . . .

    Observations. . . One day when I stood at the kitchen window and looked at the neighbor’s new garage, I thought how wonderful that he took the blue prints and constructed the garage by himself.  I am sure he felt trepidation at the onset and yet he did it.  I heard in my inner self,…

  • To Break The Fast. . . .

      It is a protection given us I think,  that however our minds work, we assume we are like everyone else,  or they like us.  I am not sure when I began to realize that differences abound,  but still I have difficulty when I am approached or when in frustration someone shouts,  I don’t know…

  • You Also, Have Been Wondering. . . .

    1. Pity has no place in a life so rich.  Pity is no friend; he is the enemy who takes life. 2.  Our so called ‘love of people’ serves to hide our very limited love of persons.  When we cannot love persons,  what good to say we love people? 3.  Or is it that people…

  • Some Observations. . . .

        Some Observations. . . How much of what crawls over memory’s house is what a person feels above doing and what is owed him or her because of who they are?  And do they really know who they are? ***** Commitment must be taught.  The ego must be put into place to allow…

  • Take a Few Moments. . . .

    **We are the cabbage and the rose at once.  Earthy  and ethereal, at once. **Memories are the bridge to the future. **It takes time to pick up the threads of life upon return from being away, to make room for yourself again in lives that have already taken your absence into consideration. **Old friends like…