Sometimes things happen and one does not know quite how things either took a decided turn or what we did to make something happen. It seems that since I decided what I wanted to do with my wall quilts, life happened or intervened and Poof! my plans went astray. I relearned several things though. One is that if something is meant for you, you will not be able to avoid it. And secondly, if it is not meant for you, nothing you do will make it happen for you. That sounds like a fatalist, but it is not meant to be. If you consider yourself a worthwhile and integral part of this world or planet, then you know you are not an incident that just happened, but a predetermined spark put here precisely in this time and space. And that means that a Somebody or your God has you in sight and life is indeed a challenge but a treasure as well. I also learned that perseverance means a great deal. Even when you think that if you straighten up your back will crack. It simply means that the question is being put to you, how hard would you work or keep at something till knowledge is yours, or when would you know to quit and at what point. I speak as if Somebody is in charge and to answer that question means that you have to do a lot of footwork. It is a challenge and worth it. But the truth is that it is never too late to start the footwork. I finally finished this first Christmas wall quilt, a bit smaller than first thought, but finished. It certainly tested my Christmas state of mind. But it is for sale and if you are interested, let me know here.
State of Mind
What I try to portray when doing wall quilts is an understanding of a time that may not exist in our time frame but does exist in memory. It may be of our memory locked in our memory vault or belong to our ancestors. It may not matter at all. But when the memory comes alive in us and changes us either to better ourselves and our world or remind us of something else that once was significant, it indeed then becomes important. It happened somewhere to be lodged in us. That is good enough for me.
These new quilts will be mini quilts, able to be framed. The tree that I am working on is of vintage Christmas prints. When I unpacked this quilt after our move here, that I had been working on and saw the night sky blue background, my heart sighed AAAhhhhhh. This is the Heaven I see.
The measurements of this quilt are slightly larger than the mini quilts which will be 5″ by 7″ or 8″ by 10″. This one is 15″by 17″. If you are interested, contact me here. It is not too early for me to start my Christmas quilts. Christmas is my state of mind. This quilt is $38.00 plus $5.00 shipping.
There is a need I see and
hurry to respond to before
calamity mounts and doubles the work.You are driven by forces
different than mine and your gaze
dismisses the need I see.Your eyes focus instead on another sight
which my eyes fail to see;
completely outside my frame of reference.How is it our worlds differ so much
and yet are compatible enough
not to collide?There is much to agree on;
much that has us separated,
yet even knowing this,doubt makes us suspicious of others.
Worlds are born and remade by those like us.
We blur our edges to mesh smoothly.We realize too late,
that in each head there is a world afloat
hoping for life everlasting.Wars rage and people agitate
to fight ancient battles, to quiet ancient maladies,
but we are too old now, so pray,they do not stir the ashes to bring forth another fire.
And on this we agree;
there are no more sons and daughters to spare.Mothers and fathers are all cried out.
July, 2013
Veronica -
Found Courage
I ask,
Where did you find your courage?
On what tree was it hanging
that you could reach up
and pluck it from its hiding place
to wear as epaulettes
on your shoulders?The children whisper during the night,
saying their Aves to each other,
hoping they will grow into courage
with a red badge to wear.You say,
They are blinded.
They cannot see their milky courage
like cream rising to the top;
one day to surge
through alerted senses
that call for unthinkable strength.They have been practicing every day
since they were born.
They will learn that courage
comes with each breath taken
and like the freedom they take for granted
must be won every day.
One day they will find it wearslike a second coat of paint.
July, 2013
Veronica -
We Can Go Home
When you have swum the rapids
and come to shore, stood on the sand
and found yourself upright . . .
what more can there be?Perhaps, only to sing an aria
from a heart overwhelmed
by a love researching his own heart. . .only to find newborns who are
the best of blends of mothers and fathers,
(loved wisely and well), with heads wide open. . . . .to find a world that was as promised,
with roses blooming in December and
Thanksgiving on the first day of Spring.It is these and more
and when the cardinal sings
I will acknowledge his song to show
that a life can be lived with a mind open
to hear muses sing their songs of joy and
pray their mourning songs.To show that a heart can be
stripped of itself like layers of onion skin
and still keep a steady beat.I’ve taken the long way home and
nearing the gate, please catch me, I say
and pull me on through.
I will answer c’est moi, it is I,to prove we can go home again and again.
July, 2013
Veronica -
When Love Was Hatched
If it seems all is lost,
think back,
when love was hatched
and gave birth. . . . .to dreams of wonder
and of light
to make bright the darkest corner
and gave us
fine sons and daughters
we loved into Being.We sought for dreams
to outlet talents
hidden between
fields of mind.We sought to bring
to each other
the reflections of what we held
as our highest and best
in fists tightly clenched.Now we reach
that time in mind
holding close those dreams
like a magnet and
unable still to separate our lives.
And we will wonder
who works the wonders
as we flyunder the wings of the Great God.
July 15, 2013
New Surroundings
To those of you who have been following my blog and wondering when or if I would return,
we are now established in our new surroundings in St. Johns, Florida. Driving into the southern parts of these United States from West Virginia down, I could only find one word to describe my beloved evergreens in profusion. Wow! oh wow! Wow! I did not know that evergreens were indigenous to the area but oh my, the highways are picture perfect in their upkeep with the evergreens marching in line as if in parade. The Skyline Drive was magnificent along with the Blue Ridge drive once fog lifted. We had a long time family friend drive us so we enjoyed the trip as much as two aging passengers could. And also traveling with us was our aging golden retriever. He did better than the three of us.It has taken a bit of time to set up all electronic equipment but we are good to go. I hope to get on a regular schedule again soon and share with you what it is I have learned on this greatest of all journeys, the one we call our life. Our greatest contribution is what we can bring to every day, and if need be, dipping even deeper into the well of who we are. We know we are better than our oftentimes childish behavior and we only have to prove it. Now I embark on the last quarter mile home and I wish it to be rich in those things of Spirit. I hope I can make your days a reflection of only my best ones. Join me.
The Final Gesture
Tell me what you want to hear
and I will say it.But do not ask me what I think,
for I will tell you.The time for play,
for games has passed
and already written legibly,
are the words no eye
intent upon seeing will miss,
or ears intent upon hearing
will fail to hear.Riddles plague us,
confusing, diluting,
to allow the throat to swallow
what the mind cannot masticate.Playthings, toys abound
and crowd the issues,
pressing for attention.At once the lessons
driven home seem hard to bear,
but with the arms up-thrust
in desperation,the final gesture lifts man up.
A Human Drama
People are wonderful but persons are an annoyance.
Our so called ‘love of people’ serves to hide our very limited love of persons.
When we cannot love persons, what good to say we love people?
It costs nothing to love the world. It cost much to love the ones sharing
your space, your pocketbook and your genetic history.The aged are all Hera’s clinging to a life slipping.
The camouflage systems we construct are so intricate that an
architect would be proud and no doubt win awards for.When stress becomes unbearable, we are then pressed to broaden
our understanding and learn.Worrying is an advanced form of thinking. Worrying is work.
It is a wonder how we as humans can endure the anguish of loss
when we hold no knowledge of other worlds.When man truly wants to learn, he will. Spirit discerns the
well intentioned and the readiness of the student.When an ideal is realized, it becomes tiresome and tiring to keep
moving the carrot on the stick.Man at some point realizes that the hunger within requires more
and more and less and less of what is on Earth’s table. -
Beggar’s Prayer
I come with the Grace
of all those I beseech, quietly.
In all names holy.My work, done with love,
in prayerful attendance to life,
to acknowledge the birdsong
extolling the morning and
awakening the sun
in triumph over night.Sending the mist
to dissipate over the Mount,
to nudge the sleeping sages
into activity,
to secure the earth’s roving
in this sea of tranquility.I acknowledge my blessings
where I am, but I beg . . . . . . .Extinguish the desires of old men
who miss their spoils of war,
and if allowed would set fire
to the hearts of the young
to do their bidding;
negating the work of mothers
who taught their children to love one another
from the first time a sibling
invaded their space.I beg for lives to be spared
so families can sup together,
that children will again
have parents on the premises.
Begging you also
to hone the values
that would have us carrying one another.I beg this beggar’s prayer
so that man who denies
his own godliness will one day seethe common ground of his divinity.