Month: May 2019

  • When Words Wound. . .Evolution Halts. . . .

                                                                                 Words Wound. . . Evolution Halts. . . Children are wounded when they first tell a truth that is uncomfortable or embarrassing to their audience.  And no doubt it is a much loved parent the child is excitedly telling something. But realizing they are saying something hurtful or worse laughable when the child speaks…

  • By Whose Authority? . .I Am My Own Authority! .

    When this photo came the other day I could see a young woman of stature and maturity in answer to the question ‘By whose authority?. . . whatever the problem. . . .  saying firmly that ‘I am my own authority!. . . . ‘ because her ancestry endows her.  I give a brief synopsis.…

  • Honed Beliefs Made Manifest. . .purpose of lives lived. . . .

    A value system is what is honed by a lifetime or many lifetimes lived as beings,  and not necessarily only as the human that we know.  It can reflect lifetimes of worlds not visible to the human system of values or cognizance of them.  What the value system will show is what has been driven…

  • A Divine Surprise. . .

      You know what I was thinking I asked my younger this morning.  He grinned at me and one arm  with hand out flat swooped over his head and then bent to the floor palm out.  It meant to me that my explanations are hard to understand.  I laughed. I was only going to say…

  • Conference With the Sages. . .

      As  a good friend kept telling me,  circumstances alter things.  And as birthdays gather behind one, one seeks the comfort places.  And at the keyboard with the mind in long conversations with compatriots, companions, in conference and in prayer, it is a comfortable place for me. I asked Jon Katz of to recommend…

  • Later Comes Too Late. . . .

      Not now!  Later! . . . . It is time to be reminded not to spend recklessly what we cannot recover.  It was a late night comedian we were watching and he was interviewing a married couple who were both American song stylists.  Already you know it was  some time ago.  Asked how they…

  • The Spoken Moment. . .

    The Spoken Moment . . . There are moments rare in our shared history that are so special that they must be spoken aloud.  I have too often not spoken them, and I regret that.  Now I speak and they may inspire you to speak yours out loud. We were sitting at the island between…

  • Its Own Amen. . . .

      In The Quiet Of This Night . . . In the quiet of this night, come to me and we will hold hands and talk and I will show you from high up you jumped. The night will love you and envelop you and you will find that in the cold moon there is…

  • The Jenny Genes. . . .this Mother’s Day. . .

    She was a formidable woman with a bundle of energy having the potential to create another world.  She wielded this energy with considerable force.  That said, the heavens took note of Jenny and decided that this creature would not be wasted. And she wasn’t.  Hand in glove she pushed her progeny.  Told them all what…

  • Let Your Light So Shine. . . .

    Let Your Light So Shine. . . There are some souls who are among us that simply light up our lives.  We often cannot say exactly why but they bring a feeling of it’s okay now, or now we can begin, or simply bring together parts of us that have no putting place. It’s as…