Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • Claim The Difference. . .

      Claim The Difference. . .   From a July 24,’84 entry—-because I have integrated simultaneous time during my adult life (it was not easy and I also am familiar with dimensions of no time with dream frames posted on my blog), the following was an early topic of discussion (from a cosmic view, yesterday).…

  • The Farm Woman. . .

      Someone probably said, considering there is nothing new under the sun, I knew the journey my spirit would take would be the one closest to my heart.  That would be  the earth and sky of course, a farm.   The details would be only as difficult as I could overcome and not more than…

  • When Knowledge Obligates. . . .

      The Teacher speaks. . and I scribed. . . .When you realize that understanding is a bigger or heavier burden than not understanding, your behavior or course of action is already decided.    The reason is this.  When you have the knowledge, you have the obligation. Not knowing the reason for a person’s behavior gives…

  • We Are Not Invisible, either. . . .

      In February of 2001 I journaled that I had a feeling pass over me that said (not the first time) that this world is but a fragment of illusion.  The reality is that there is no reality. That when we leave we take our world but it stays in our memory bank like a…

  • A Respite. . to walk the fields. . .

    The Door Closes . . .  You say the door closes behind me and you cannot follow. I take my place beside the one who holds my ceded heart in his hands. All I know is here is the place I belong. No other place feels right. Though as I walk in other places, they…

  • Pieces Enlarge the Understanding. . .

      When one has knowledge, one also has the obligation. ***** God is a word most people stop at because the mind balks at its meagre knowledge to proceed. ***** To not remember to lock the vault leaves it to be burglarized. Or easily opened at best to remember without those whose presence would have…

  • Godfriends of Caliber. . . gifts of heart. . .

    This bouquet is for you. . . Tish, Marylouise, and Dorothy, Jan, and Joy, heart friends gone but always upfront; now some cyber friends distanced including (few) males attesting publicly to science, but attending silently to problems not to be tested by science gods in their pristine laboratories. All friends of caliber, all honorable characters…

  • The High Jumper. . .

    It has been said with anger that I set the bar too high for mere mortals to scale. It was not for them the bar was set but for me, to rise as high as the immanent god had deemed for me. I could not know that they would try   to jump for me.…

  • When Life Is An Act of Devotion. .love speaks . .

            Grampa says . .  Grandma created first homemade meatballs in eggplant/ tomato sauce over polenta with a salad of romaine, cherry tomatoes and kohlrabi with olive oil and balsamic. . .   and then crafts with grandma Claudia, the talented artist. . . .     And then a story to…

  • We Are In Need, sorely. . .

    We Lift Our Heads. . . We lift our heads as we face our Source and give thanks to these gifts beginning our day; a body without pain and a mind clear and receptive; a heart that beats steadily and ears that hear clearly. For these gifts we are grateful. Open us and allow not…