You Must Not Think
You Must Not Think You must not think it’s useless to have trudged the overgrown path to make a road easier for the one to follow. We must grow up and put on training pants. It is time. We must develop discipline to house the night’s pleasures and discipline to work our…
Consider These. . . . . .
Consider these. . . . . The Knowledge says that let this pass if it is Thy will. The heavens say to look beyond the light into the face of the morning sun and see that the light beckons and extends. It would grant you peace should you let it. It will grant…
Life Everlasting
Life Everlasting Without ears to hear, he hears. Without eyes to see, he sees. With heart he understands the small musings of this limited mind. I can see, I say for this is mine. . . only with how I perceive this limited existence. Fair enough, for this time, I think,…
Choice Goods
Choice Goods I would like to live long enough to see the children who are born with more than the usual five senses come out of the closet of mind so they will be asked what they see, hear, think and what they remember. And be looked upon as someone highly gifted and of…
You Washed The World
You Washed The World You washed the world with my love and took it and made a valentine of my heart. You washed the world with a blanket of snow and lace formed on my eyebrows and made my lashes heavy with snow. You threw me down and I made an angel with…
This Valentine Heart
Believe because it is true. . . . . As we approach Valentine’s Day, to all who are bereft and do not or have not known love, what is missed is something you have known somewhere at some time else you would not know you miss it. One day it will be yours again. It…
Valentines For Ever’one
‘Til ever’ name is called Can we make valentines, he asked? The younger looked as if he was torn by a big decision. Why make them, I asked? ‘Cause there are lots I know and they be real from me, he said. How real I asked and he looked at me puzzled. I waited for…
The Prayer Altar
The Prayer Altar There are always memories that burn the heart. The only thing to do is take them to the prayer altar and do with them what you will. If you cringe at the thought of prayer because of discomfort for whatever reason, think of prayer being the quiet internal place when your heart…
Running Toward One’s Truth. . Paradigms
A child’s albatross. . . . .The old adage of what is done in the home must stay in the home is a bird wrapped around the neck and the damage done to the children is inestimable. Stay away from the classes where teachers are known not to ruffle feathers. You will be comfortable and…
Entering Before Us
Entering Before Us We carry our values with us as silent companions. When we enter a room we know immediately if we fit. Our value system has entered the room before us. And everyone already knows whether we are accepted. We might as well have the Sargent of Arms announce us. How important…