The Important Words . . . .in all languages. . . .
My head is still spinning with things surfacing as if I am on memory enhancers. My take on this day is my word, my bond, my trust, my love and my honor by my teacher. It seems the meaning of those words have been lost in the jargon of our days and everything means whatever…
Closely. . .on the altar of our hearts. . . . .
This has been a difficult week for me. Health issues put me in the hospital for 3 days and I am grateful for this time to sort out the rest of my days. I wish to share with my readers some thoughts again that have been voiced on my blog. When you know,…
Toward a Destiny. . . . .
Wild geese move within the moments of their destiny framing patterns; struck upon the naked sky. Clocked by indiscreet motions they move in gentler waves instinctively. A buoyancy feathered, sustained by automatic evolution, lay garnered, taken by trust. Confirmed of their geesehood, they soar, with speed amid the chastening winds and luring skies.…
I Am Glad We Are Found. . . .
Wherever we are, it seems only meet and proper to have August cease its summer heat and prepare mentally for the oncoming North Wind. It seems it has forgotten about us blistering in the heat. I am glad we are found. Though conditions prevent our entry back to the classroom in many places, …
When We Handicap Our Young. . . .
They were just children with a love offering. It glinted in the ground and when picked up it glittered as a star in the sky. Of course it would be given to the one loved most! And with grimy hand and full heart it was. With words accompanying the gift, they spilled as starbeams through…
Given. . . With A Promise. . .
With a Promise. . . With the ongoing grief affecting so many in our nation, this was a gift given and I share with you. Our thoughts have a weight and those needing those thoughts are open to us. There will be a tomorrow somewhere. . . and we are asked to live…
The Best Learning Place. . . Our Earth. . .
A great day at the Park. . . . It was another difficult day with health issues and no energy to cope. And then this ray of sunshine was on my computer. Her grandfather saying this little engineer put the frame for the folding camp chair (with many shock corded legs) together, all by…
Dr. Jonas Salk. . Conscious Evolution. . .
Having been an avid newspaper addict, and leaning to clutter, I tackled a box of clippings yellow with age because then there was no money to buy books. The local libraries knew the boys and this mother well. So I read for the past week brittle clips mostly from early 80’s. I placed aside an…
No Space To Grow Bread. . . .
No Space To Grow Bread. . . They are young, you say, with hormones raging in bodies, having no desire for libraries and no entry monies for museums . . . In these places, soldiers in perilous times were forever sowing seeds of freedom, with farmers tilling soil of rocks and clay to…
We Only Begin. . .
(I have edited this entry for space) The entry doesn’t sound like much, but when the footwork is done, integrated, along with sorting religious dogma shouldered throughout lifetimes, the work is immense. Done while raising a family and living a life with its responsibilities, was difficult at best. It has stymied many a stronger and…