Category: Touchstone

  • A Heart’s Commitments. . . .

        A Given . . . There comes to mind in the space of time a leverage. . . gaining for one a semblance of peace. Silly, it sometimes is when the purpose of life is to regain and reclaim this right. It is of no consequence now in the sleeping hours of a…

  • Our Connection To All That Is. . . .

                                                                                                                  We Honor Your Life   (Sometimes there is a need to be reminded of the good the best of Mankind does and this is one of those times.  This essay was one of the first I did for my blog and there may be new readers who missed this. In these times when we…

  • Everlasting Life: caterpillar to butterfly. . . .

    In this spiritual week for us so inclined, memory is mine of those who have transited from my  life.  All my beloveds come to mind, but one incident from the children’s younger days stays with me with more clarity because of my path. I was standing at the door of the room shared by the…

  • The Morning Will Rise Triumphant. . .

    What to do when there is no one to talk to.  We often escape in old age I fear into madness that we call  Alzheimer’s or dementia, still, a madness by whatever clean name we now give it.  We once called it hardening of the arteries it seems. Where to go and who to talk…

  • A Thud Against Our Heart. . . .

      Yesterday the world united in grief as we watched the fire rage and consume a large part of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.  It was with dismay and heartbreak we saw a symbol of our civilization consumed by a utility given to Mankind to enhance life.  Yet at the same time we saw…

  • Listen World, Listen. . . God In A Rock. . .

    Listen world, Listen.  God In a Rock. . . . (As we head into Earth day, I am approaching my 88th birthday and my world is iffy right now and if I could leave a letter to beloveds I would say this. ) There is a connection to all of our Earth.  From the sky…

  • The World: Atlas Shrugged. . love her enough to shoulder her high. . . .

    Value Systems. . . A value system is what is honed by a lifetime or many lifetimes lived as Beings,  and not necessarily only as the human that we know.  It can reflect lifetimes of worlds not visible to the human system of values or cognizance of them. What the value system will show is…

  • The World I Worked To Build. . .

    The World I Worked To Build. . . Where hearts open to each other, where minds are keen on learning, and where love intends to see its full bloom.  Where beings are intent on growing to their fullness and work becomes a blessing. Do I want much? I want only what I worked and hoped…

  • In Love We Pray. . . amen and amen. . . .

    As dawn breaks, my fingers of both hands curled about each other and I marveled at their slimness, their ability to elicit the feel of themselves, each digit wrapped around the other. And I felt that nothing, no other world would ever make me feel such blessedness in my hands’ ability to do so many…

  • In Memory. . . Once Upon A Time. . . .

    Still with talk across the dinner table I asked this philosopher-legal how my philosophy sounded to his professional ear.  Well, he said, it is not new and I have heard it before,  Plato, for instance.  Uncredentialed and unbelieving, I still gulp.  In memory, this day, of his leaving this Earth, we consider ourselves forever privileged…