All Who I Am. . . with knees bent . .
I scribed October 10, 1983. . . We wait for this day. You hear the arguments in the head and you think all the while the hands do the mind’s bidding. In this we find a great interest and comfort knowing that it is possible to function in a secular life and continue to grow. …
the twig already bent from a somewhere and . . . when. . .
How To Do It. . . .when I scribe. . . . You ask. . . On focusing, your thoughts, your words. . . how do you do it? I say. . . I barrel down into my center and listen with my inner ear and hear what…
Will I Require An Alibi?
In The Mirror Is The Answer. . . . THE TEACHER SPEAKS. . . .It is useless to say that we can be non judgmental when we make judgments of necessity all day long. What we must not judge are the places an Other comes from when we look upon cultural ways. When we understand…
The Bread of Freedom is Truth. . . .
It is an open question, not the only one, but a question as to how we learn something. Since I hold several truths as self evident, and one of them is life everlasting, then prior lifetimes have taught me much. And some lifetimes lead to longer sleeptimes, or time outs, than others with no learning.…
The Deep Within. . . is the connection. . .
I scribed October 10, 1983. . . We wait for this day. You hear the arguments in the head and you think all the while the hands do the mind’s bidding. In this we find a great interest and comfort knowing that it is possible to function in a secular life and continue to grow. …
All Who I ARE. . .
The Kabbalah, practiced before Judaism, states that death is not final. When the Sages died, they simply went into the next room. Seekers then could enter and ask their questions and converse. Scribing was done by the chosen seekers . I have scribed for a long time and many do and call it automatic writing…
Out Of The Evolutionary Rut. . . .
Kicking the wheel out of the rut. . . . After many years of struggle, and a broken heart in repair constantly, I finally began to peace and to piece my problem when reading the Clan of The Cave Bear. I know, I have spoken nonstop and written many times of this. I recommend…
A Lesson in Strawberries. . . . .
I was a young girl of 12 and it was our first summer on The Farm and it was a hard one. But it also was filled with good food straight from the warm earth. My mother had a talent for growing things in the city despite its polluted air even 70 years ago; people…
The Cost Of War. . .don’t get me started. . .
The Cost Of War. . .Knotted Family Ties. . . She was little more than a toddler. She was plain, even mousy by standards of beauty deemed for the very few. Stringy hair, hazel eyes with poor sight even and not the porcelain English complexion esteemed by her heritage. Left with her brother in Scotland…
Ambient Adherence. . . the vibes they will teach us. . . .
This I journaled in my Jan 14, 2022 entry. . . Much had been going on for most of the month of December and now into January with two hospital visits with atrial fibrillation and adverse reactions to new meds, I started a letter to friend John thinking to post it but I would have…