My God Watches Me. . .
I had a journal entry I looked at that had hostility levied on differences in us and I thought it time to look at what unites as human beings. It is a simple character attribute. When we were children our parents expected we would be truth tellers. We were asked the simple question. . brushed…
In Conference. . . .when the world sleeps. . . .
In Conference. . . .with the Sages. . . From a journal entry of January 1993 where I had been in the midst of researching Jesus . .the teacher asked me to put my thoughts down. . . (It was a stressful time in our lives. I wrote the following) Jesus took on a…
Lest We Forget . . .
I was sick to my stomach. I had trouble breathing . I had to stop before I had another cardiac arrest. Hearing of the harsh brutality inflicted upon the Jews made me vomit when I was ten. Studying the holocaust nearing a lifetime of ninety years had the question continuing, why one man with such…
An Argument Still. . . .
My mentor, the Nazarene said, seeing you will not see and hearing you will not hear. Why is it when we profess to be followers and even from the pulpits, do not venture to ask, what did Jesus mean when he said those words? We think because we see what we see, it is…
Work? . . Are we god-enough to do it?. . .
When we are plagued with a problem and have tried everything we can think of and those things we invent and the problem is still with us, we then conclude there is no answer. If there was an answer, the problem would be solvable. There would be circumscribed ways of doing things and we could…
Creativity. . Look, what I made! . . .
I scribed. . . .it is a bag of wind we seem to contend with and problems never ending. The problems stem from diverse personalities complicating and darkening what should be an enlightened situation. What is obvious to one is dark to another. You think the world’s state of affairs too complicated to solve. Yet…
The Earth Gods Know. . .
I scribe. The teacher speaks. . . Nature expounds her presence with all. She ventures to shout her presence. She sends storms and pestilence and calm days and sunny skies to announce her presence. She grants to all the balm of her existence. But she angers and cries . And in frustration teaches what…
Depends On How High Up You Reach. . . .
Hardest Lesson. . . They don’t know yet, the ones closest to me. . . friends and all. . . why I do things the way I do. It is because I know the good in the work and the beauty in the body doing what mind tells it to do. It is a…
Where The Real Money is Counted. . . .
Now, tell me what you think. . . . Now talk to me, and tell me what you think. I want to know the conclusions you have reached. Tell me what you know, not what others have said. I can read what they have said about any number of topics. I want to hear your…
The Old Country. . .
Home of One’s Soul. . . The Teachers Speak. . . Every so often, out of one’s domain, there is an isolation that swamps one. It is difficult to shake, and yet there it is, evidence that this is not home. There is a portion or many portions appealing to one, yet basically,…