Category: Lesson

  • Conversations: World Creation. . .

      Conversations:  World Creation . . . If it were not for the fact that our David came home for chemo treatment on a regular basis and he and I had dinner together at home, I would never have had the mind bending conversations we did. It was then I learned of world creation for…

  • A Lesson In Strawberries. . . .

    A Lesson In Strawberries. . . ( I awakened one recent morning in conference with someone who said it was again time for the article on the lesson in strawberries.  Several years ago it was printed in The Detroit Free Press and has since been reprinted several times.  A man appeared at my door the…

  • The Past Is Still Happening. . .

    Journal entry of November 3, 1983—(keep in mind I work with all time is simultaneous, a quantum premise, though I did not know it at the time when 35 years ago I was into black holes and white holes where this entry picks up) . . I scribed. . .It is no small thing when…

  • An Evergreen For Your Heart. . .

    (I falter dreadfully.  There was more violence in a school this week.  I say that I will make another ocean with tears that do not stop.  I cannot write nor put up a heart with a rip up the middle again. Cannot sew it up again. Then I read that someone pulled up a bygone…

  • The Uncovering. . . .

      Teach The Lessons Well. . . Again from a journal entry the Teacher speaks on evolution. . . in the evolution of genes,  in cleaning up genetic history, we talk of literally thousands of years.  But with emphasis not on the helplessness of man,  but with concerted thought and concerted direction,  there can be…

  • By Example We Teach. . .

    All Things Are Connected. . . No matter the outcome of any event, the process of integrating is uppermost within the chest of treasures.  It is not that all things are diverse, but that all things are connected in a way that is concealed and discernment is required for enlightenment. Rubies are connected to stones…

  • Another Meaning to Life Everlasting?

      My friend and I were sitting in the hall waiting for the class doors to open.  I looked at the hanging painting and had to look away.  It made me sick to my stomach.  I knew the painting but not the artist.  It was of a one floor building, stark in a barren landscape. …

  • Be That One Someone. . .

      In the midst of catastrophic events such as the ongoing flooding in Texas, we wonder if what we are able to do can truly make a difference.  It seems this topic is being brought up often lately  in our lives and the little we are able to do individually seems small indeed. Even when…

  • Times Such As These. . .(do we not learn?)

      Times Such As These. . . I lock up the room and pocket the last remnants of words laying about unattended. Fearful that pieces of my heart may be found scattered among them. And why not? Times such as these leave us with little salve to heal the open wounds which once were hearts.…

  • Maudie Update. . your way home is well lighted. .

        Maudie Update Last week when I posted  Again Maudie??? and asked if doves or birds blinked intentionally, on Saturday’s 15 July entry I knew.  As I bid good morning to Maudie she blinked several times.  Her eye was pinned on me and a veil dropped,  a light grey, greenish color and covered the…