And we go home. . . .
And we go home. . . What will you do when fatigue overcomes and chores lay waiting and heart and conscience say you must speak to these babes? The work of your hands gives them a piece of you to hold and a piece of your heart. In it all will be gold. Take…
In A More Perfect World. . .
There were just a few of us gathered when we were young and the talk was rising in enthusiasm about what a swath to be cut by the young on the political scene. There was energy and ideas with a tail wind to push these things to fruition. We would make a difference where our…
On Wings Of Hope. . . .
Once Covered With Dreams. . . . Some may think there might be no choice on anyone’s part for any thing. All things may be a matter of destiny. Many think there are choices in all avenues. But supposing there are no conscious options. Supposing conscience already speaks on issues and there are no…
Show Me. . .the highest altar of the Mind. . . .
It was only in rereading the journals for August of ’17 that I happened to come across these words. Oftentimes I don’t get back to entries long after they are written. And then I am often humbled by what is given. I am in the midst of this mental conference and when fatigue overcomes, I…
With Full Knowledge of the Song. . . .
The Last Bird Sings. . . They said the pressures were such that would have put a pipe fitter under the foundation. . . I, naive, thought when I heard that she would not know she was between waxed sheets under a hot iron thought they talked of you. . . And I, obviously impaired…
The Cut Of The Cloth. . . .
Several years ago I wrote that an elderly once said to me people only know what you tell them. My reaction was a gasp! because she believed that. There was no exposure to people more knowledgeable or more observant than she. Although she would adamantly vow her God knew everything and nothing was forever…
In Good Hands. . .
In Good Hands. . . . I will invite you to sit beside me on my couch. . . To lean into my arms to wrest the fatigue from a body grown weary with age. . . It will come to nothing, this fatigue with aging because the heart of you is alive…
I’ve Taken Flight. . . .
A Conversation . . . You say. . . I’ve taken flight. . . . . and I say. . . . where can you go that I could not find you? And you say. . . . farther than you think. I’ve found me a world so far away that never would…
The Keys Of The Kingdom. . . .
The Keys of the Kingdom. . . My good friend appeared at the door and said you have to learn to play and we start now. Alas, another argument begun about our differences , proving again opposites can be friends. It is my good fortune and sometimes a curse to have the ability to view…
Around The Bend. . .
Today I sit in the midst of my birthday of 87 years. It is quiet. In rereading journals where I was told if you want a good book to read, write it, I am finding truth. Rarely do I remember if it was cereal for breakfast and therefore rereading the saga I wonder what…