Category: Poetry

  • Many Truths

    Many Truths I once heard an elder  say that people only know what it is you let them know.  I gasped,  because I thought she actually believes this.  She still believes that her thoughts are private and that secrets are truly secrets.  She does not know that privacy of thought is the last illusion.  That…

  • A Need

    A Need I possess a knowledge, supplanting the previous knowledge by just one day. The reason is this; I slept. And in the dream saw worlds, whole and hurt, clean and chaotic, built and leveled. And I saw fields with high grasses and skies not yielding to horizons and I walked I walked so far…

  • The Morning’s Bliss

    Mornings have always been special. The sounds blended on the street as Princess (our then German Shepherd) and I walked. The lights in the homes spoke of early risers, the occasional car with lights on. The dog down the street spoke his urgency to get matters started. There still is a benevolence to the morning…

  • Kiss The Morning Into Being

      I think I will have it as my epithet.   It means a word or phrase that describes an attribute of characteristic quality.   I like it.  Kiss the Morning Into Being For It Has Long Won The Battle Over Night.  My need to know what I needed to know was my long night.  It has…

  • An Ever Fixed Mark

    An Ever Fixed Mark What can be written that has not been written before? What are the new voices saying to old hearts turning mellow? Not much one hears is different except the ever fixed mark which shrouds a piece of truth and shows its consistency. It is exactly that. . . an ever fixed…

  • The Reclused

    The Reclused We do not violate the solitude cherished as a milch cow on a painted pasture. We usurp with kindness any benevolence dispensed on us as gratitude. What are we for you might well ask, since in previous times we reclused to the woods, garnering ourselves to buffet so many affairs as insults to…

  • Suffer The Little Child

    The Teacher Speaks. . . . Any human action which must delve into its past for a pattern for progression is bound to fail.  There must of needs be new attitudes, new forms of behavior that speaks to the new man and new times.  A reaching back to the cradle for behavior, for mannerisms befitting…

  • You Cannot Teach Thirsty. . . .

    The Teacher Speaks. . . . you cannot make a horse drink when it is not thirsty. You cannot do it. Only when the thirst is there will the horse or the person or the being know to drink to satiate. But you cannot teach thirsty. You cannot teach learning. You cannot teach hunger. You…

  • Not In My Understanding. . . Orphans All

    It was not in my understanding that the New Testament scripture so often quoted ‘ suffer little children and forbid them not,  to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven’ that the children would never grow up.  If what was meant was innocence and wondrous awe I could believe.  But what…

  • Come Into My Kitchen

          Come Into My Kitchen There are some people one brings into the heart of the home,  the kitchen,  whom one at once knows they do not belong in this room.   They are parlor people. I invited a dear friend and her family for dinner one day.  Her son in law, a large…