Category: Poetry

  • A Journey Of Note

    A Journey of Note With these, the words of my language and pieces of my heart, are memos of this journey to the top of the mount. It was not easy and I cannot say for sure how long in years the trials have gone. It consumed a private life as dogma was pulled out…

  • At Her Bedside

    At Her Bedside  She would not last long, I thought, frail as she was, lying there with her eyes filling.  She said, they are telling me that the only way to get off is to step off.   She made circles with her hand while she lay in the bed, as white as the sheets she…

  • Dreamed Into Being

    His hand came down on the table with a thump!  If anyone can create a world, he said, you can!  I knew nothing about world creation but this Philosopher-Lawyer son of ours who gifted me with his conversation hours into years as he returned home for treatment of his health issue,  led me to new…

  • Papa, I Plead Now. . . . .

        The Strange Bequest There was a man, a slim man, whose head was bedecked with a white cloud and whose eyes saw dreams he could not articulate. He sat one day staring into space and when I questioned him, he said, ‘I am sitting and watching the grass grow.’ I hesitated far too…

  • And They Believed

    And They Believed It has been said with anger that I set the bar too high for mere mortals to scale. It was not for them the bar was set but for me, to rise as high as the immanent god had deemed for me. I could not know that they would try to jump…

  • What Will You Do?

    After reading more  on quantum physics and  the holographic universe,  coming forth are poems from the past,  my linear past, that are in conjunction with work of mine done recently.   I was not prone to think in times simultaneous,  but by having dated my written work,  there is an alliance with both prose and poetry.  …

  • Where Will You Go?

    Where Will You Go? Where are you going to go? What will you do when you run out of lamentations and crosses to bear? Where will you go and to what world where you will be ready to transfer when you arrive? What will man do or whatever will they call the Beings? You scraped…

  • Within Memory

        Home of One’s Soul The Teachers Speak. . . Every so often, out of one’s domain, there is an isolation that swamps one. It is difficult to shake, and yet there it is, evidence that this is not home. There is a portion or many portions appealing to one, yet basically, the at…

  • In Looking Back

    In Looking Back The Teachers Speak. . . . The smallest act of mercy has large repercussions. Remember that. When the smallest act of kindness is received it is passed on without thinking because the act gains a life of its own and struggles for expression. It gathers momentum as it moves through the person’s…

  • Abundance

    Since the publication of Kiss The Moon,  I have had a few requests to use the poem,  Abundance, in ceremonies of commitment.  In these months of May and June ,  I would be honored if you choose the poem to be read at your ceremony.  It is one of my favorites and I think speaks…