Category: Love

  • My reason. . . Because Of Love. . . . .

        Explanation Caught in Part. . . In the beginning, in the place where I came from, there was a veil covering the foetus, the skin of man. I remember the place and the one who sent me here. He said it was because he loved me, and all those who would be part…

  • Throw A Kiss To The Stars. . .

        Younger sisters should play by the rules and allow the elder to leave first.  But my sister stayed as long as she was able and left us this week abruptly. This poem is personal in that love abounds.  I whispered it in reading again with great love in our coming together as adults…

  • An Open Forum . . it takes courage. . . .

    Today I realized that when I watch certain  television programs,  I audit the class.   It is fatiguing with my hearing  problem,  but with certain programs, I work it so that I use television as class time. I realize my head is open, and by that I mean doors are open letting in activity of sound…

  • My Eternal Love. . . . .my earth. . .

    Love Letter To My Planet Earth  . . . .  My love affair started when I was eight and laid upon the green grass and willed the clouds into playmates for my thoughts.  I wished I told my sky that I wished to be wise.  I am not sure I knew what wise meant other…

  • The Invited Guest. . . .

                                                                                    with hammer and saw and wood and file. . . . Many of us when…

  • When I love you is coupled with a hug. . . .

    These are my progeny I am fortunate to see at least with photos.  I am impressed that there are several lady greats in our lives.  And I am also impressed with the knowledge of two close mister greats.  There are others  I am certain in my scattered large family that I do not know,  but…

  • Grandparents. . . the best magic. . . .

    If I could wave my magic wand and grant a loving wish to all children born into whatever worlds are chosen, I would choose to garnish all wishes with the best wish of all. . . to grant a curious mind.  And the curious mind announces its arrival by the first simple ‘why?’ To accompany…

  • A divine observation. . . .

      A divine observation. . .  You take love and wear as pearls. Shiny tears they once were. Shiny tears, but they fell to your breast and now they are gems. . . .                                          …

  • Love Is Reason Enough . . . . for sisters. . .

        I look upon this photo and am grateful that what my life emphasized is factual for me in this moment of time.  That what was crucial to our sons’ lives is what I see in their progeny and therefore, mine.  When asked when mountains became impossible to climb how to go on, I…

  • The Strange Bequest. . . .

    Tomorrow is Father’s Day and this is a late regret to chalk up to a life in ebbtide.  But with the head on my shoulders today, I wish there had been times to talk of heart concerns.  Life was to be mountains for me to climb and I could have used his hand to hold.…