Category: Prayers

  • The Roses Are For You. . .for keeps. . .

    Long before the world ever was. . . . As co-creator and creature both of the universe, it is man’s prerogative and innate yearning to stand erect.  To bow down all the time leaves one eventually on one’s stomach.  Man rose from the crawling position.  There are too many yet who find the child’s position…

  • Often the Larger Picture is Universal Life Enhanced. . . . .

    What I have learned in these past times is that there are some things that cannot be improved upon.  Whether a recipe that has been perfected or something written that has stood the test of my time, meaning my physical life.  This is one of them.  And my measure has been my life of almost…

  • On Earth. . . 1954-1985

           When David Died . . . .  I say that David took the hands off my clocks.  It was the greatest gift he could give me. I tire of running my life with a large hand and a small hand. No time for this, hurry for that.  Do this now, do that…

  • You Stayed The Course. . . .

        You Stayed The Course Only you saw what you saw. Yet you stayed the course and plowed the field and now the plow is lifted. We will work. The children will have their toys and the world will have the words and in due time you come home and we frolic.   ‘Til…

  • Our Sense of Time. . . and other things. . .

      Sometimes our actions seem out of context.   It is as if we are dancing to a song not in the musical library.   It is not heard by anyone else,  just us.   It is not foreign to us,  but seems puzzling to everyone watching.   We know that it is still us,  just not the us…

  • Are We the Promise Given? . . . ..

    The first week in December found me transported to Emergency with atrial fibrillation.  Since then it has been a trial of finding what medications are  acceptable to this body with not so many adverse reactions.  I have found myself not nice and complaining.  So conserving energy, my work has been my best of what my…

  • A Sacred Obligation . . . to think . .

    (For my new readers and for those who need to be reminded, I share again this vignette.  It speaks to how we are connected, one to another as well as to the invisible worlds.  Just as Christians celebrate this holy season, others also celebrate their holy days as Belief demands of them.  We live by…

  • Changes Are Afoot. . . .

    July 20, ’16 journal entry  I was reading in my suffering servant essay that what we do here is felt throughout the Universes.   That we are being watched closely.  Not only our unborn but other worlds also.  Jesus was an evolutionist.  He knew that what one does eventually all will do.  Both good and evil.…

  • Love transforms. . . .

    Perhaps you also feel as I in looking about, and wondering is this not the hardest lifetime to have lived?  This lifetime is filled with notes and memos reminding me of the impossible events I have labored through.  And wondering from where came the energy and the chutzpah to work through them.  I am glad for the…

  • A State Of Mind. . . . .

      A State of Mind        ‘Country’ is surely as much a state of mind as it is a way of life.  If it is a place, it need not be in this time and space.    It can indeed be buried so deep in memory that in the normal course of affairs, it…