A Chance To Make Better. . . .
Gratitude. . for lives consciously loved through. . . . . . She was a friend of the boys and came to share her grief with life; an aspiring legal mind that looked to reason the why of it all. She asked in despair, why did you settle for so little? Words escaped me because…
A Cosmic Prayer for Mankind. . . .
Much crowds my head and I would wish to put it out like a grand buffet. But it would bring dyspepsia for the majority and who would turn away. But life is a balanced judgment. We seem to be fed what we need and purposely not what we want. And that is where good…
Make It Count For Real. . . . .
Since I know that no steps are skipped in Evolution, lest we have gaps in behavior even more difficult than what we see, I admit to fatigue as the years encroach. Coming to mind from a time past is our eldest as he waited for his father to drive him to the train back to…
Running Late. . . .
(Of late my head has too many ideas wanting a voice, even when I sit and want to write a simple catch up note. The Muses, or my Spirit Within or God About seize the moment and wish it learned. . .so Jane, here is the letter I meant to send. . . ) Jane,…
A Resting Place. . . .
Conclusions are reached by methodical circumcision. We cut apart our hearts and yield what we can. ***** There will always be those things which cost dearly and have no remunerative value. They may be outside our frame of reference but are recognized when the time is right. Then you know you have paid dearly…
The Simple Often Says It Right. . . .
The Jenny Genes are rightly sometimes a curse as well as blessing. It drives this writer to despair when the right word evades and the curse begins its perseverance work on me. And search I do for the precise word. For there is of course we think a precise word for everything. We…
Connections I know. . .
And you will know also. . . Nine years ago, when I was 80, a grandson said I should do a blog. Not knowing what a blog was, he proceeded to teach me. This perennial student did not want to disappoint the good teacher. Edited here is one of the early posts where I try…
This I Know. . because I learned. . .
This I Know. . . because I learned. . . Only with deeper understanding is there any basis for understanding. ***** To love oneself presumes a selfishness man cannot abide in himself. ***** Yet to be selfish presents an attitude of self acceptance, of tolerance that can only begin to be outward in the…
The Strange Bequest. . . .
Tomorrow is Father’s Day and this is a late regret to chalk up to a life in ebbtide. But with the head on my shoulders today, I wish there had been times to talk of heart concerns. Life was to be mountains for me to climb and I could have used his hand to hold.…
The Loving Gesture Makes The Difference. . . . .
What pleases me so much about this photo besides knowing she is my beloved Emma E. is the obvious seriousness she shows in her work. And it is work she does. I identify the intensity and I wish her to be able to see the beauty of her body doing what her mind has…