Can One Be a Better Anything Than One Is a Person?
Many times, even vehemently, it has been stated that one cannot be a better anything than one is a person. And the lesson is one well taken. It would seem that more work is needed in the moral posturing of would be leaders. Lessons learned are not the ones they would be most proud of. And the big lesson here is that there are many who feel that as long as they pay their bills and do good, nothing else should be questioned.
All who aspire to leadership of the common man, the average man needing the guidance of astute leaders wish to see those portions of one’s life one wants to hide, remain hidden. But is it fair to place a man in leadership where when the big issues are approached one questions the integrity of the person?
Again we are at the basic assumption of whether one can be a better anything than one is a person. What about one’s commitments, one’s honor, one’s word? What about these values which have built people’s lives into civilized containers that have led many toward better health and quality lives?
In teaching morality to the young, for they will again need to be taught, is it the proper response to a biological function to say wear a condom or to say the highest of all human emotions regarding the sanctity of life needs to be placed in the highest category and not relegated to minute entertainment?
We have more than moral integrity on the line. Should we also ask the aspiring candidates for medical tests to ensure that their tour of duty will not be interrupted by a social disease?
We ask that the nation united behind a leader who asks that one give his life in war noting that the issue is argued in good conscience by objectors of war. And that same individual will unaccountably say that he could not commit himself to the marriage union without straying but in that case it was all right for only his near ones were involved.
The arbitrary disposition of such procedures still must be argued. The arbitrary compulsiveness when the individual has no control over his own body yet wishes to control all bodies of all persons makes little sense. Into whose hands does the common, average person place his conscience?
What one does behind closed door will be argued as private. Yet war is not private but public, for all to participate in, to maim and kill and honor and dishonor one another. It would seem fruitless to go further. It would seem not a cogent nor coherent thing to do to espouse maturity in judgment concerning matters of state when matters of personal discipline are questionable.
It would seem to an enlightened electorate that what is evidenced and is not questionable due to personal motives, be the guideline where the very large issue of personal integrity is at stake. It would seem that perhaps all issues which neither fit nor are comfortable for the human be disregarded. And should that be the case, what would be substituted as guidelines for those looking for direction on what to do?
We could dissolve into a sensual state where the pleasures of the body rule. Where when one is at a loss in the face of large issues, one buries oneself in the momentary oblivion of the physical. Perhaps that is the direction humanity wishes to go. It would be far easier and soon there would be chaos in the streets where rape and pillage would not be an issue but a norm.
Perhaps it is carried to an extreme with this analogy. But what we see when man reaches the age of reason, whatever that means in terms of legality, there must also come a discipline which is self imposed. Perhaps there must be a waiting time for what is most desired.
Perhaps there must be new priorities set upon those common things of marriage and children. But there must be education. And there must be direction that will give the young avenues upon which their raging hormones can be vented in good use. Not in the making of more babies and not in the promiscuous behavior which is given clemency in everyone’s mind.
Strange, isn’t it? That the kind of behavior we espouse is behavior which in other times and places was simply called decent; the proper thing to do. But obviously not in these times and this place.
In accordance with today’s mores, today’s values, and the statistics on the spread of diseases which can affect even the most productive life, of need will be a new adaptation of what it is the human body can withstand. It would seem child’s play in retrospect to rediscover that education and an adherence to Victorian attitudes is in order. But not with the ancient embarrassment attached to the human body.
With an attitude of understanding that the human body is vulnerable and the human psyche not equal to healing as quickly as one would suppose. Even with death as a specter, reason should tell us that the human being is of quality as to be revered. Not a conquest of the adolescent but to be honored and revered in direct proportion vulnerable as is one’s own life.
A thorough understanding of what human life is all about is in order. A better understanding of what the fallout of promiscuous behavior has on the young should be apparent to all. Lessons we teach are often not the lessons we wish to teach. It would seem obvious to the thinker that lines of discipline are instituted for the just purpose of preserving life. The thinking one knows this.
Those bent on shaking and moving must also be taught that discipline becomes the first one, and that is the individual. Then the example will be the best teacher. One has listened to the old adage ‘do as I say and not as I do.’ And yet when the authority figure in question sets examples that may lead to debility if practiced by another, one should first of all question the authority and wonder the example he sets.
There are those who argue for the privacy of the individual to do what he or she pleases behind closed doors. Contagious diseases are not silent. They ride rampant and they maim.
In these days where nothing is private, it best behooves the individuals running for highest offices in the land, offices that yearn to set an example for the commoner as well as the foreigner, or the office that wishes to unite the world in peace and brotherhood, be above reproach.
The kinds of issues that are brought up with the undisciplined individual are many. We started off with the undisciplined in body. The body is what we try to master first. If we are not able to master the body’s rage and desires, how then can we even begin to give appetite to others’ lives?
The individual who loves plants and wishes to water and feed them, knowing what is required, will be a good tenderer. The individual who wishes to be a physician will know how important it is to be first a doctor. The individual who wishes to be an educator must at first be a good teacher.
There are differences attached but the each must first be developed a discipline. And discipline ranges the professions in the same measure as ranges within the individual.
In the outward things, man does not appear to have difficulty, assuming as he does that the work will be affected by the effort. So in the human condition. The individual will be affected with the results of undisciplined behavior. It cannot be stressed too highly how the undisciplined, whether in private life or public life will have an effect upon those they wish to reach. And the lessons we teach might be those we wish we had not.