To be told of the awaiting Divine Reward has its place, but being human a little human praise is never out of place.
Illusions do not dress the effort. The merit of the effort addresses and dresses the work.
Sometimes we wander like lost sheep in search of a shepherd. The quality of our thought will spark the shepherd’s way toward us.
Ancient memories must be put to rest. They must be assuaged, changed to victory and not be allowed to haunt unsuspecting generations forever.
Philosophies are born and discarded time and again because they cannot and do not hold up. What is held to is because the staying power is sustained.
In all things there is compensation. There is something given when something is taken away or outgrown. Not always sad but sometimes even a cause for rejoicing.
Time is a healer, a mistifying, calculating mystery that can pay untold dividends. It is money in the bank.
It is hard to move encrusted thinking. But the boundaries of thought must be enlarged or man’s progress stagnates.
Events are for growth. They are not a comfort station. Happiness is not a constant affair.
Go for broke, but do not dismantle what you do not intend to stay around and rebuild.
Eternity is a long time, sweetheart, to mortgage a life. A long time.
If we would see thought as constant prayer, would we elevate our thinking?
Within the pain is the lesson. Learn it well and learn it forever. It makes eternity much easier.