Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • A Sacred Obligation . . . to think . .

    (For my new readers and for those who need to be reminded, I share again this vignette.  It speaks to how we are connected, one to another as well as to the invisible worlds.  Just as Christians celebrate this holy season, others also celebrate their holy days as Belief demands of them.  We live by…

  • Changes Are Afoot. . . .

    July 20, ’16 journal entry  I was reading in my suffering servant essay that what we do here is felt throughout the Universes.   That we are being watched closely.  Not only our unborn but other worlds also.  Jesus was an evolutionist.  He knew that what one does eventually all will do.  Both good and evil.…

  • Love transforms. . . .

    Perhaps you also feel as I in looking about, and wondering is this not the hardest lifetime to have lived?  This lifetime is filled with notes and memos reminding me of the impossible events I have labored through.  And wondering from where came the energy and the chutzpah to work through them.  I am glad for the…

  • A State Of Mind. . . . .

      A State of Mind        ‘Country’ is surely as much a state of mind as it is a way of life.  If it is a place, it need not be in this time and space.    It can indeed be buried so deep in memory that in the normal course of affairs, it…

  • English Muffin Bread that toasts divinely. . . .

    You might find this helpful if you will be having a houseful of hungry people looking for something to eat Thanksgiving morning but wanting to leave space for big bird, this you will feed them.  Everyone loves English Muffins but to have enough on hand leaves a bare budget.  This recipe makes two loaves and…

  • What if it is true. . . just for today. . .

    What if it is true. . . . .just for today. . . .  The thought occurred to me what if whatever we think  is true. . .  just for today?  How would it affect me and life around me?  How would it affect you being related in thought with me? What if it were…

  • He Watch-ed Me. . . he watch-ed me. . . .

    This is my birthday gift to my inlaw daughter Claudia and my granddaughter great Emma E.  They almost share the same birthdate just one day apart.  Emma E. will hear this blue boy story many times and will come to love hearing them.  She knows she walks on her toes because she was a dancer…

  • Like Silly Putty In The Hands Of Children. . . . .

      . . . .I got to thinking about this dream that made this world and all in it.  I have been thinking about Michael Talbot who figured out that this was a holographic universe and everything in it was a soup kitchen.  Soupy and until we looked at it to name it and because…

  • Observations. . .from my lifetimes. . .

    If you do not intend to look back,  it’s best to remember to lift the plow. ***** Wishes are as potent a force as fishes swimming in live water. *****  Under adverse conditions, we become more of what we are. *****  To think is a holy obligation.  And to be held accountable should follow.  We…

  • The Workers Are Few. . . feeling used?. . .

      Feeling Used?  Of Course! And the call came and because panic ensued,  the young one got dressed and the night found him getting another vehicle running and a friend grateful to be driving home.  I asked him do they realize what they ask?  No clue, gram.  Not a clue.  They are scared to death…