Author: Veronica Hallissey

  • A Sane Oasis In Troubled Times. . . .

    Bucket or also known as Rain Hats. . . .   When I was young , there were people in my circle, friends of parents, or neighbors sitting on their porches whom we thought were wise old people.  They were mainly with time on their hands it seemed, obviously going nowhere.  What happened to all…

  • A Rich Legacy. . . .

    Close to where they live, the family gathers to enjoy what is left of the summer.  And Emma E. basks in the attention and love her presence assumes.  And this should be the right of every child chosen to come to us.  Because we choose them. I have mentioned before that for over half a…

  • We Speak. . .

                      We Speak. . .  We say goodbye with body language. See. . . we know when our arms are circling each other they will not release until our hearts press our knowledge one to the other. And we look with watery eyes that no longer see…

  • The Process Is All. . . .

    ‘You Are My Best To Be.’. . . I could hear the words . . ‘too bad all the others could not have been made this way.’  And the response was that this is what creativity was all about.  That with each new effort there is improvement.  And the creator of the art or article…

  • For Me, it is Eternity. . . .

      I was sitting and looking at our landscaping and thought I must remember this.  This is for eternity for me.   It was the end of the day and the sun was setting.  I feasted my eyes on my surroundings.  And my eyes took in every detail and when they fastened on the next door…

  • Apriori. . . (before now). . from where. . . .

    Apriori. . . . Oftentimes what is considered decent, normal behavior we label a success of magnitude.  In this world of the aberrant we have lived so long that the decent is a surprise.    There are souls among us who have volunteered to help heal this behavior.  And have put themselves in jeopardy doing so.…

  • Favorite Aphorisms. . .

      Favorite Aphorisms. . . We are the cabbage and the rose at once.  Earthy and ethereal at once. ***** Memories are the bridge to the future. ***** To go over the same road again and again, until the pain as well as the joy no longer overwhelms, requires tough love. ***** Life was not…

  • I Don’t Know How To Be Deaf. . .

      I had been struggling with the newer hearing aids for over two years.  And the audiologists kept saying they are the state of the art but my ears were itching and my brain hurt.  It was irritated, my brain was.   With the new hearing test, the audiologist said you work very hard at hearing,…

  • Time Is Now. . .

    Events of this past week have shaken us all. Time is now that changes will be evident.  Time is now that much will be demanded.  And the young whose memories now of the violence that has taken their friends and innocence will demand restitution and behavior that comes with adulthood. The children shall lead us. …

  • Ripped, severed, broken. . . again . . . .

    (I am running out of words and energy at this time nearing the terminus of my life.  I find that what I have written in the past of these earth shaking events are words that still wring my heart to shreds.  And yours, too.  I cannot find other words to tell their story.  Our language…