From My Heart’s Pocket . . .
Word reaches that there are issues with some of my posts that are unreal; that perhaps I don’t know how the real world works! I write what I know, not hope or pretend. As Lawrence O’Donnell commented on President Biden’s Inaugural, experience is not taught. We always knew it, I think, just never applied…
My Keys in the Palm of My Hand . . . . .
In reviewing decades of my life with my kaleidoscopic perspective, is a stressful endeavor. I was cautioned to go slow. ( At 92, how fast can I possibly go at this time?) Most people are given to wait until they are on the side where support friends already are. Or here and I laughed…
tell me what it means. . . LIFE ADJUNCTS . . .
Life’s adjuncts. . . veronica Stumbling on previous writings, i find they leave emotions awakened again. If they do this to me, they also do it to others. I find my thoughts would have had me selling my soul to have found someone like me on a journey similar which would have prevented much damage…
The Last Bird Sings. . . . A fact in nature changes as the person who perceives it. The maxim states ‘A fact is enhanced by what is perceived. Depends on who is looking and seeing and what they are seeing. One does not see what one is not looking for. The person who sees…
Parent On Premises . . .
When my youngest was born and I realized I was the parent on premises, literately and figuratively, there were certain things in my belief systems that I knew and took possession of. I owned the knowledge and its consequences, not verbally expressed but were my walking companions. I wanted this knowledge to be part of…
Wars Don’t Start Over Cinnaminamuuum Rolls. . . .
This is Wednesday, December 13, 2023. This is my gift to readers this holiday season. No doubt there will be meals one will be asked to bring something to pass. This is a favorite this year and I am not sure how I let this go unused. I will alibi myself by saying it…
Principles will prevail,,,,
Principles will prevail… We involve ourselves in arguments that exhaust when there is no need. Because our actions will broadcast where we are in our thinking better than the most eloquent essay. What will be most apparent will be our calm determination only to one who is looking for what they know to look for.…
At A High Cost . . . .
When I was younger and found footing in my woman’s novels, I came across soon to be a favorite writer. It was a time when the library was my sons and my main excursion to replenish our idea resources. Marcia Willett was her name and a favorite book ‘A Week In Winter’ was a…
The Vault Of God. . . you know, my friend, you know. . .
‘How did you know to do it?’ he asked. I loved and raised babies and painted roses on their cheeks and planted evergreens in their hearts. Now you should put the sabers at the foot of the evergreens. The dove sings high, gargles her song at times, but you know my friend, you…
we are life everlasting. . .and have been . . .
White Superiority Is Not New. . . . I don’t know what could have prepared me for my entry into a white Protestant family. It was not that they were well versed about the sect, but something special born into. And certainly nothing in my history would have told me the details awaiting me. What…