The Universe I Know. . . .
Sometimes things need to be repeated because the lesson has been worn and the fit now is less traumatic. On November 5th, 2013 USA TODAY had an article that the space observatory Kepler telescope had shown that about 8 billion stars in our galaxy had planets almost the size of Earth that could support…
Crowded Into Minutes. . .
What I contribute to are more philosophical questions than most are interested in. More biblical inquisitions than I would go for answers. I don’t know but what there are few sources that I would find cogent or even unbiased. There are those who argue the universe is benign. I find myself venturing toward its…
Another Matter of Trust . . .
There was a little exchange with an elder. I said, but you told me this and I believed you! That was your problem! was the retort. But why say it if it is not true? And then the paradigm spilling forth; ‘there is no one so gullible as the one who loves you!’ There was…
A Time For Making Peace. . .
Our Prayer. . . When words have been shouted and have struck hearts forever changed, we gather our resources from within and count on Grace Given by thoughtful minds that harbor goodwill. We pray to what we hold highest and best that we meet challenges that bring the changes needed. And we do not discount…
Times Such As These. . .(do we not learn?)
Times Such As These. . . I lock up the room and pocket the last remnants of words laying about unattended. Fearful that pieces of my heart may be found scattered among them. And why not? Times such as these leave us with little salve to heal the open wounds which once were hearts.…
To Break The Waves, enough it is. . . .
After having been told a zillion times that no one would want my head, I have decided that I truly would not want anyone else’s head either. Because then I would not see the world that I love the way I do. I would not see the pine trickle of a branch pulling itself courageously…
Streaming. . . .
All of humankind is in need of professional counseling, but who is going to counsel the counselors? ***** If man is the result of the whim of the Potter, how dependable is the Potter? ***** Or is the lump of clay thrown out willy nilly and at the whim of the elements, molded? ***** Can…
With A Promise. . .
Fortunate are those who walk with their cameras at the precise moment a sunset images the evening sky. And we are fortunate to have those photos in our libraries. Most fortunate are we who have the intent of the photographer rising at dawn to catch the morning sky in colors unmatched. Few are the…
On Bended Knee. . . Peace-d
It is on bended knee that I approach my blog with what nearly a century of living has taught. With what I have learned of our holographic universe, acknowledging talents given at birth or contracted for I must speak my experience. It is a linear world we live in to help us learn. It can…
Come Veronica, there is a bridge we can sell you. . .
The old argument came up about my impracticality. Others have difficulty following me. Yet I was seeing to home maintenance over the years with no help, 20 white shirts a week ironed, suits pressed, meals on time, lawns manicured, and best of all, children reared and raised in love. And office work for those many…