Why Hope Springs Eternal . . . .
The Road To Damascus. . . And Paul, on the road to Damascus, unaware of forces pulling at his thought was none the less surprised. In the privacy of mind, how could an invasion of thought not his own be in conference? So it is, in the wars of the visible and invisible worlds, the…
Mavericks Wear Many Costumes. . .
January 14, 1990 Journal Entry. . . I was reading Jane Robert’s ‘Unknown Reality’ and came across her channel Seth saying about a world where the Sciences were directed in another way. Instead of outside of oneself, the detached observation of outside influences, for instance, studying an amoeba all by itself instead of in its…
The Deep Within. . . is the connection. . .
I scribed October 10, 1983. . . We wait for this day. You hear the arguments in the head and you think all the while the hands do the mind’s bidding. In this we find a great interest and comfort knowing that it is possible to function in a secular life and continue to grow. …
With These Hands. . . love. . . gratitude. . .
To Use These Hands. . . . from another time. . . As dawn breaks, my fingers of both hands curl about each other and I marvel at their slimness, their ability to elicit the feel of themselves, each digit wrapped around the other. And I think that nothing, no other world will ever…
The Dance. . . We as participants. . . .
The Dance. . . . There is a dance that our feet learn to do when first we stand up. That dance is learned well, for even when our legs no longer dance, our phantom feet remember the dance. They itch to dance. …
The twig bent. . from where I come. . .
I have delayed posting because of ill health. Also because I wondered if what I have been involved in has been so much busy work. At times we have to confront and reassess. And because I am heavy with verbiage, there is much verification. Not all bad and some even passable. I have written on…
Cancel Culture Leaves a God Vacuum. . .
Journal entry March 11, 2021. . . My thoughts this morning when watching Morning Joe as reported in The Atlantic. Discussed what is happening to Christian Belief or Religious Belief with the then emerging cultural canceling and caretaking of the ex -president Trump. He gained popularity by saying he will take care of you but…
Times Such As These . . . . how many???
(I am running out of words and energy at this time nearing the terminus of my life. I find that what I have written in the past of these earth shaking events are words that still wring my heart to shreds. And yours, too. I cannot find other words to tell their story. Our…
All Who I ARE. . .
The Kabbalah, practiced before Judaism, states that death is not final. When the Sages died, they simply went into the next room. Seekers then could enter and ask their questions and converse. Scribing was done by the chosen seekers . I have scribed for a long time and many do and call it automatic writing…
I Take Your Hand. . .
0bservations from an almost 50 year old mother to 3 sons in their late twenties. . . Journaled in June of 1980—— now an aged, almost 91 mother with a very tired head and a compromised immune system sporting a half dozen conditions ready for a nap . . . May, 2022 As a…